JimStewartJrJune 23, 2017 at 7:48 am #1861
#1 I predict a 7+ within 7 miles of Semisopochnoi Island Alaska, within 70 miles of the surface in the next 4 days.
(use this prize to make me a full member) 🙂
#2 Then a 7+ east of that within 250 miles and within 3 days of the first.
#3 Then a 7+ north east of the 2nd quake within 250 miles also along the Aleutian chain within 2 days of the second.
#4 Followed by another 7+ north east of the 3rd quake within 250 miles also along the Aleutian chain within a day of that.
#5 Then there will be (4) 7+’s and (1) 9+ within the mainland of Alaska.
Make Checks Payable to: James Richard Stewart Jr., 232 Eureka Avenue, Fairbanks, Alaska, 99701…Happy forecasting guys, When this comes to pass, I suggest that God is Real, That Jesus is the Son of God, and our Lord requests that we turn from our sins and repent, identify our sins and change our direction to a righteous path that neither angers or grieves the Lord. Jesus the son of God died as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins and we are freed from what would be a penalty of judgement. Now people, accept that you are clean of sin if you accept that, allow your spirit to walk upright and be Holy. The Lord Said “Be Holy for I am Holy.”
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You are Saved because God loves you, Be Holy and Righteous because you love Him. If you fall down, don’t give up, get back up and continue to be pleasing to the Lord. -
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