• 115 pts
    April 8, 2020 at 4:09 pm #8643

    I got a phone call this morning (my time), from the daughter of an old friend of mine, who I had known for over 20 years. She informed me that her mum and dad tested positive for covid-19, when they were admitted to hospital last Wednesday. Her dad past away on Friday, and her mum has been moved to intensive care. She told me how scared she was because she lived with her parents, and now has to self isolate in a big house on her own. My friend and his family live (lived !) in a small hamlet consisting of 8 properties… mostly occupied by elderly residents. During my conversation with her, she also disclosed that two other elderly residents from the same hamlet had recently past away. These people in question, including my friend, had not left there properties since first week of March. No people contact, but it is believed they contracted the virus from something entering their homes… perhaps Groceries or parcel deliveries etc. It is unlikely that these residents, all got there food supplies from the same place. Doing quake predictions teaches you to eliminate the variables, and what ever is left, must be regarded as credible. We are constantly told on TV in the UK, the statistics of how long this virus can live on different materials, and in this case I think the focus could be on paper and/or cardboard (24 hours !). Could be wrong, but what I see is… they all had the same mailman !… something to THINK ABOUT !!

    I have been quarantining my mail for 24 hours before opening, and been doing this since we went into lockdown. It was a long phone call with very few words, and she was so frightened and broken hearted, that she constantly had trouble keeping her emotions under control. I have had several phone calls in the past, relaying sad news about my own close relatives. But I don’t recall ever receiving one from someone showing such distress… and making my feel so helpless on the other end of the line. This site has become my second (virtual) home, can’t move on with this stuff in my head, so I apologies for dumping it here !

    In other news, everybody in the UK has been crossing their fingers in hopes that our prime minister Boris, will make a full recovery after contracting covid-19 himself. He is our figure head and champion against this pandemic war… and you can easily see here, how moral is being affected by his admittance to hospital. I would like to think that he would have a whole new outlook on this situation, once he is released from hospital. I recall watching a program on TV several years ago, a front bench member of the UK parliament, changed places for a week, with a young mother of two who was living on the dole… known these days as “universal credit”. He was given her allowance of £70 ($100) a week, and had to feed and support these two children during this time. He subsequently failed, but I always remember his quote at the end of the program ” £70 a week, I normally spend that on my lunch !”. I have great respect for this man, because he went on to help and support several charities. Boris has had a taste of the real deal now… it will be interesting to see how this will reflect on the rest of us. Whilst on this subject, I would also like to add from emails and calls I have received from other people recently. We are unanimously heart warmed by concern conveyed with respect to our prime minister, by President Donald Trump. Weather we like our leaders or not, it is a case that Conservative / Labour or Democrat / Republican, our elected leaders are the ones leading this war against an unseen enemy. And you have to take into account this is an enemy we have not known before… so mistakes will, and have happened.

    I would be nice if others wanted to say their piece, I again apologies because I can’t seem to get into Quake mode today. Bad news and no coffee, the way I feel, I will be lucky to get a 2+ in Hawaii… lol

    Hands across the water !!

    Score: 0
    115 pts
    April 10, 2020 at 6:15 pm #8657

    On Tuesday evening (7th, my time) why wife had to wait in an online que for 1 hour 45 minutes, to access our local supermarket listings… there were 48,600 people waiting before her. Half way through her shopping, the site crashed. When it was eventually running again 2 hours later, she attempted to start again, but became disheartened when the que time stated 2 hours 26 minutes waiting time… and gave up her attempt.

    Amongst some of my less “irritating” traits, I like to help people in other ways. I buy and sometimes make solar powered gadgets for an orphanage in Uganda… and post them at my own expense. My wife used to send a little money, but you can’t trust human nature in others, to do the right thing… especially in countries like Uganda. So I came up with a compromise, the kids there now have a few lights, bug killers and a phone charger for the boss… and this also keeps my wife happy.

    Coming back to my coffeeless web crash. Several years ago, I happened upon a very talented Nigerian teenage from Benin City. Living on his own, and not treated well by his own family… because he was slightly autistic. But he is an absolute genius at drawing and art, and though I don’t have loads of money, I have been commissioning him to do paid work for me… to make him feel like someone, and not just a charity case. Not an art expert myself, but you know when something is pleasing to the eye. And I believe if you could exchange his art skill for prediction… I think he would put the rest of us out of business lol. Being passionately impressed, I decided to sponsor this young man in autumn last year (fall), and paid for him to return to school. Eventually sitting exams, and qualify for his WAEC certificate… so he could enrol at art college in Lagos. Exams were to be held this May, but unfortunately like the rest of us… everything is closed and in lockdown in Nigeria. However, fortunately for him, I had the foresight to see what might be coming his way… after monitoring events in Italy, Spain and now us in the UK and USA. So, went against my own principles and sent him the equivalent of $500 to buy non perishable goods to last 4 months, and extra fuel and gas for his generator and stove. Told him to miss school that day (everything still normal then) and go to the market as many times as the money requires to buy supplies. He did so, and sent snaps of many sacks of beans, rice, potatoes etc. Two weeks later, first virus case was confirmed in Nigeria, people started panic buying… and their governments response was to shut all banks, so they couldn’t get money to buy food !! I made this gesture because Nigeria is a “developing” county, but government and many senior officials are corrupt, and they suffer a lot of lawlessness. I even bought the generator for him so he had light to draw with at night. Electricity supply is poorly maintained, switched off during rainy days, and during dry days only available 2-3 hours per day.

    The reason I mentioned the plight of my young friend in Nigeria, is because I expected he would struggle due to the reasons stated. I on the other hand, live in a “developed” country. I made no such provision for my wife and myself because we are British, and the British are known throughout the world, as having that “Dunkirk Spirit” during times of crisis, and we all pull together… well, fool on me. We go to war with Argentina over the Falkland Islands, and everybody is fully supporting each other and our leaders decision to do so. Two Gulf wars, and we are there offering help and support to our US buddies. Same can be said for 9/11 and the London bombings. Then a bug hits town… and its everyone for themselves. We are fortunate that we have 24/7 electricity… so at least we can see what we are doing whilst we starve !!

    To be honest, some times feel ashamed to be British, after seeing how some people are responding to this crisis. Nurses not able to buy food after finishing their shift… because shelves are stripped bare etc. No PPE wear because public panic buying emptied the warehouses. There are appeals in our local social medias from health centres and hospitals, for donations of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). Not to worried for my own circumstances just yet, keep a few chickens so always got fresh eggs, and still got winter stocks left in case of a snow over… but I do miss my coffee lol.

    Stay safe, check the elders where you live, make sure they have food… and coffee 🙂

    Score: 0
    7 pts
    April 12, 2020 at 9:04 am #8685

    Hello Lester and everyone else,

    I am not sure on the direction that things are taking. Here in the US there seems to be a varied response depending on the state you are in. As well as the mood of the people from panic and heartache to disbelief and the other extream “muck it and pass the bottle”. For me it varies as well. I agree that the mail is a common trait for most of us, and honestly had not even thought about setting letters to the side for 24 hours… i doubt my wife could wait 5 seconds… i figure we have about 18 more months of this, and what changes occur between now and then is anyones guess. I know 18 months seems like a long time… but i dont see this stopping now that the case load is over 1 million people. more and more people are out of work and that makes all that fear, and anger build cause there is nothing else to think about other than the people around you and the money that is due to any number of bills a typical household has. One thing i cannot understand is why tanning booths are closed, wierd statement but follow me for a second… isnt that the same sort of light wave that would kill this thing in a short amount of time on surfaces… and in turn, could’nt we use this same logic to deal with our mail and food to remove it from the surfaces of those… in either case, i would imagine a bananna and apple would not like the exposure much and maybe the experation date might have to change… just me thinking outside the box… which is what i do..even though i cant spell to well… be safe everyone

    Score: 0
    115 pts
    April 13, 2020 at 4:12 pm #8691

    Hi Fred, and thank you for your contribution to this thread… it is really appreciated. Unfortunately, I have been informed today that covid-19 has now become a significant issue within my own family. And therefore regrettably have to pull out of the action for a while. But as is humorously customary with many of my posts, I leave you with this advice “Don’t visit Oaxaca, Mexico for the next 18 days”… 🙂


    Score: 0
    115 pts
    April 14, 2020 at 11:51 pm #8700

    I was informed yesterday that a close cousin of mine, and his wife, had been admitted to hospital and tested positive for Covid-19.

    Today (14th) I was informed by my neighbour, that his sister had died this morning at 5am BST. I recall mentioning her in another thread, but can’t remember which one. She was a lovely lady, who volunteered as a member of our local church support group during this crisis… and she used to bring my wife and I, home made pies during “normal” times !!

    I now seem to have symptoms of IBS, possibly resulting from underlying fear for my family. My once quiet rural cottage, that used to occasion 2 or 3 people walking past my gate each week. Now occasions at least 30 a day, as people get their daily exercise because they can’t go to work. It feels so invasive and threatening, and we can’t take our dog on its usual walking routes now for fear of meeting someone. I started this thread here, because I don’t do Facebook or Twitter etc. And though I see what is happening in the TV news, it is not the same as getting that personal opinion from others that might feel the same as I do. So I again express my gratitude to Fred for passing on a little US insight, and may I add, an interesting theory.

    I have also been feel that earthquake prediction is getting more difficult for me to make the right determinations. Never got into Facebook or Twitter, because my focus has always been numbers and calculations related to tracking down pre seismic locations. But under the current circumstances I find myself in, it is extremely difficult to stay focused. However, I must mention that our new member “Canyonrat” (Mark) actually proposed an interesting challenge, that I don’t recall happening on the forecast forum before. And this was to combine our efforts, no matter what method was used, to determine the course of seismic activity in California and inland western US. This has in turn given me something to watch for each day, and thought Mark and I have differing methods (like chalk and cheese 🙂 ) it gave me an incentive to focus again… bar receiving unwelcome news as stated above. So I am also grateful to Mark for his innovative idea…Doh ! getting soft in my old age !

    Stay safe every one, and don’t take chances… you can’t fool around with this bug !!

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