• 15 pts
    March 24, 2020 at 6:01 pm #6903

    New to the forum and introducing myself. I’ve been learning to forecast with some accuracy. I have been following the Dutchsinse methodology, but noticed there are tools here that could be useful. What made me interested in forecasting started many years ago. I’m a carpenter (but highly edjubicated) and have completed many residential seismic retrofits. I was even under a house in Oakland CA (Bay Area) working on a seismic retrofit on two different days when 4.2s struck! I had no fear because I knew the house would perform well. But what always “nagged” in the back of my mind were the stories from friends that lived near the epicenter of the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake in California. They all reported that as the quake rolled on there was a very rhythmic crashing sound of dishes coming out of their upper kitchen cabinets and crashing and smashing onto the floor. The quake left many with a mild PTSD when ever they hear dishware brake. Fast forward to Fall of last year (2019), after watching Dutch for one plus years I started thinking, how useful it would be to be able to alert friends and family if a 5.0 was rolling in and that would allow them to keep a string tied to the upper kitchen cabinets for a week or two to save their dishes and cleanup. But also allow you to know when all was calm.

    I am forecasting the West Coast of North America and inland about 50 miles from Queen Charlotte Terrace Island in Canada and down to Santa Barbara California. Sometimes I will forecast further inland, north, or south, when it is obvious. And yes I know this is a very difficult area to get right.

    I live in Santa Rosa, California located 50 miles north of San Francisco. AKA the Wine Country!

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