Mag 5.0 – 8.2 within 200 radius of following locations:
Btun Atka, Nikolski, Perryville, and Dillingham, AK
Little Andaman Islands, Port Blair, Havelock Isl
Malacca Strait, and (already had Cenral and South Sumatra picked and written down on my list before notification of the 5.8 in Lubuklinggau tonight, and was just about to log in to post forecasts),
Central Java
San Crisobal Solomon Islands
St Arnaud, Blenheim, and Lower Hutt, NZ
Sitia, Karpathos Greece
Santiago, and Punta Arenos, Chile
S, Sandwich Islands
Reykjanesbaer, Asolfsskali, Kopasker, Iceland