Registered: 5 years ago
LIFE TIME MEMBER of "S0"! 56 year old. Married 23 years (and still in love). Live in Santa Rosa, California, born and raised. Education AA BS MS. Past work, case manager for the developmentally disabled, government reporting for insurance company, currently a remodeling carpenter (and love it). Ride sport bikes aka crotch rockets (fun long story). Like beer, sci-fi, educational shows. Own rental properties, stock investor (and good at it). Studied Buddhism with a crazy wisdom telepathic teacher (yes, he got into my/our heads, another fun long story) and studied Christianity; for both I got a fairly pure form of knowledge. I am here because I stumbled upon Dutchsinse and then Suspicious0bservers on youtube. I got started down this path around mid-2018 because I noticed a large number of volcanoes going off and wanted to know/learn why lead to watching several hundred hours of watching Dutch along with daily wake up with Ben...Then Dutch and thousands of youtubers started getting de-funded, shut down, and so on. I am a huge supporter of and believer in freedom of speech and am now suspicious of youtube. Dutch recommended learning his technique and posted a how to video. So I am here. I think using Dutch's technique with a sprinkle of data from the KP index, solar data, etc is a good base for mid-level quakes. I think Ben's observations of coronal holes and other space weather data is better for the largest quakes. I'm interested in the mid-level quakes, so we know when to pull grandma's china out of the upper cabinets and put them in a box on the floor for the next week...kind of stuff. I don't like the USGS who in 1980 said there was a 100% chance in the next 30 years of a very large quake striking a fault under Santa Rosa wear I live. We are still waiting...that data is useless. I like data I can do something with or about. I do LOVE the USGS for collecting the data, mapping faults, and many other things, and we all owe them our gratitude. Especially the poor guy that sits there watching the seismograph 8 hours a day as a 20 year career. LOL I also love humor mixed in to spice things up and pull us out of our intellect and into our belly/body. Too much head time is not good for the soul. My Contact Info: We live in Santa Rosa California Pacific Standard Time (PST) so we are 7 hours ahead of (UTC). Best email: canyonrat2@yahoo.com Cell: 707 331-4805 Text and Voice, no voice message (long story and am working on that). Just shoot me a text and start with "QW" and I will know its from this group. I only speak English.
Last Activity: 2 years, 9 months ago
Topics Started: 99
Replies Created: 328
Forum Role: Participant