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  • 6 pts
    August 5, 2018 at 8:45 pm #5124

    Good call! On California, since I can only investigate a few, agree totally. How you manage those areas..hats off to you!

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    August 5, 2018 at 8:41 pm #5123

    Expending this forecast to run from August 5 -Aug 10, a 7+ earthquake from 40-46N and from 124 to 126W. Earthquakes are ramping up, and the east side of the Ring of Fire is probably the next area to have a 7 and above quake. Indonesia/Bali area hit by 7.0 today. Interesting Hawaii Kileau has dropped signifcantly in numbers of earthquakes, and no major 5.0 quake in several days.

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    6 pts
    July 25, 2018 at 10:51 am #5062

    A lot of almost M6 quakes happening. Will it start something more?

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    July 24, 2018 at 1:12 pm #5056

    Could boaters in the far east provide information you need..or do we need to suggest a warning?

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    July 24, 2018 at 1:10 pm #5055

    Yes lots of boat wide..about 4K.

    On the research, am finding and documenting a lot of prehistory canal systems in South America foremostly..but a huge number in the Mississppi Delta. Easter Island, Gobi T, and Colombia statues all have the belly button pose of hands to belly button..and all the locations were in the past called NAVAL of the earth. Magnetic lines is my guess.

    Am Published in Ancient American over the past three years. In Amazonia, found 100 miles of zig zag(5 miles on each leg) 200-300 foot wide canals..totally unknown. Think it maybe part of the rumored Lost City of Z. My theory is the explorers asked the local natives about a lost city of gold..and the natives made a zig zag. Natives meant the earthform of zig zag canals..the explorers saw what they wanted to see..a “Z”. They probably wondered who taught the natives to write……?????!!! A collaborator is there now, doing a documentary, some based on my work. Neat. I hope they find out what these earthworks are and who made them…if modern..very curious as to why..but not likely it in the Amazon rainforests..and old old old.

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    6 pts
    July 23, 2018 at 11:33 pm #5052

    Wohoo…5.5 paciific and 5.9 atlantic..all ears..have I mentioned the research I am doing on Easter Island and Gobi Tepi? Belly button locations? There are relatonships between E and W..of the earth..really.

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    6 pts
    July 23, 2018 at 11:12 am #5049

    Blot echo in this area. Extending this forecast July 14 thru August 1 .Also celestial alinements, and incoming coronal holes.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by JEC. Reason: added reasoning for extension
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    6 pts
    July 23, 2018 at 11:10 am #5048

    Sadly, I think your forecast is correct. A good analysis. You are covering a big area..I sure hope you are could be very bad to mother earth(and us). Wonder what this will do to weather patterns..will be interesting to watch those as well, have several boat buddys in hotspots that dont need any more ‘weather.”

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    6 pts
    July 22, 2018 at 10:12 am #5043

    Well..missed forecasting an event for Hawaii..but more and more earthquakes, and three days ago, the USGS did the tremedously unusual act of warning of possible explosive events due to magma hitting water table. Earthquakes are now over 1200 a day, and today July 22, 2018, in less than 8 hours has hit over 800. Last quake was larger, plus the graphs on the HVO chart show a slight change, steeper angle and more activity in the logs between m5 quakes. The m4 have not happened for serveral days, only a longer span then 5.3 to 5.4 quakes. No blot echos near the area, but incoming coronal hole stream may come to bear on the situation.

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    6 pts
    July 17, 2018 at 11:15 am #5022

    also, earthquakes have increased to over 1200 a day, some very deep ones near the BIG CRACK. Most larger EQ are along a zone from Kileaua to Monua Loa, and along the eastern rift zone/just off the lip of the edge. 23 tourists injured in tour boat when lava bomb exploded into their boat, someone did not respect the power of the lava interaction with sea water. One tour company there with some large legal issues.

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    6 pts
    July 17, 2018 at 11:11 am #5021

    Extending prediction of a MAG 6-7 earthquake Big Island Hawaii associated with Kileaua Volcano. July 18-21 2018. Cause, alert zone by Risk Tool ask we. ll as planetary alinement July 19th. Some effects from coronal hole starting to come in to view. NO blot echo under Hawaii itself, but large BE to the south and west of Hawaii near indonesia and those islands such as Solomons/Vanuatu. Vanuatu, I predict, may have a large M6+ on the 19th as well sightly offshore of the islands proper.

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    6 pts
    July 17, 2018 at 11:03 am #5020

    What an impressive collection of facts! A lot of appreciated efforts! JEC

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    6 pts
    July 8, 2018 at 3:31 pm #4973

    Just had a new 5.4 earthquake that USGS did NOT POST until almost an hour or more after it showed up on deformation GPS/tilt meters. Now thats scary.

    Extending EQ prediction from July 9-13, 2018 , M6+ earthquake near or at Kileau area of Big Island. The character has changed somewhat as to increase in quakes, magnitude and depth on July 8th. Blot echos near Australia/New Zealand area suggest a NE direction for this feature.

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    6 pts
    July 3, 2018 at 11:31 am #4964

    Extending this forecast, three days from July3-6. Blot Echo showing on EPC map, covers the area.

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    July 3, 2018 at 11:29 am #4963

    Weather seems to be focused on the rift zone. Not an earthspot, but an intense area. See video. Maybe just nature..but looking for discriminators.

    The deformation, downward, is shown more intense quakes..and a steeper slope, today July 3.

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    6 pts
    July 2, 2018 at 5:15 pm #4961

    Watching the tiltmeters. During reading on the monitoring process, I was suprised to read a 5mm change was significant. We have a 25,000 mm change! see

    One thing to note..rapid deflation(tilt) could indicate the possiblity of a flank collapse. If this rate of deflation continues, by tomorrow my predction of quake size should be upped. Will watch and see. An 8M is not out of the realm of possible in case of a collapse. Not sure it it would be considered tectonic or volcanic.

    Score: 0
    6 pts
    July 2, 2018 at 12:04 pm #4960

    Extending this forcast for three day period, July 2-5, 2018. drop in GPS location measurements has increased. Approximately 1000 foot drop since May 3th. Deeper earthquakes occuring over the islands as the other volcanos ‘speak’ to Kileaua’s activity. Someone, the USGS?, should be monitoring the Hilina Slump areas as the rift zone is significantly impacted by the lava outflows; earthquakes deeper than 3-4KM represent the ‘sliding’ area under the theorized 70KM by 30KM
    ‘block of rock that forms the breakaway part of the island.

    Score: 0
    6 pts
    June 27, 2018 at 3:13 pm #4939

    June 22-25 from HVO GPS, rate of summit/Kilueau subsidence was approx 8 ft a day. June 26-27th that changes to 16ft a day. And increase in earthquake numbers up several hundred from previous day. The thermal cam shows very high heat.

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    6 pts
    June 22, 2018 at 12:00 am #4907
    scary that the images on at least one page show a very close relationship with Puna Geothermal fracking activity. just an accidental finding. but so close to the lat/long of the wells. From diagrams, wells 4, 5 6,7, 9 may have lava incursion or been covered. nothing on news.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by JEC.
    Score: 0
    6 pts
    June 21, 2018 at 11:44 pm #4906

    Close but no rose. a 5+ is all. darn it. But good for Guatamala!

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    6 pts
    June 21, 2018 at 11:42 pm #4905

    Article mentions deep earthquakes associated with slide areas and magma.

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    6 pts
    June 20, 2018 at 10:26 pm #4899

    June 20, earthquakes are increasing to over 1000 a day, and many are deep quakes, 3+ KM to 30 KM(a few). Since the magma chamber feeding the rift zone is at 7 KM, those deeper quakes deeper than 7 have something to do with the movement of magma possibly. From 1975 7.2 quake, its known that a 70KM long 30KM wide sea floor block subsided, with the length of 70 km parallel to the coastline. The 7.2 caused movement of approx 26 ft in horizontal motion. today, we have both earthquakes and tremors mentioned on the HVO website, new GPS locating system is in place on Kileaua(one of two graphys on HVI has already failed and is not reporting, or the graph needs to be adjusted for steeper drop of vertical height). M5 earthquakes are interspersed with M4 earthquakes and happening once a day. It may continue to perculate along, but I believe with the facing solar opening in the next days it could force more activity and increase the magnitudes of the EQ.

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    6 pts
    June 18, 2018 at 10:17 am #4877

    Also an area of distrubed weather in western caribbean is creating tropical storm systems in this area, increase the probability.

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    6 pts
    June 15, 2018 at 12:28 pm #4852

    Lester, blot echos concur in the next day or so for your forecast.

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    6 pts
    June 15, 2018 at 12:26 pm #4851

    No big one yet. but look at this wonderful article which explains the earthquake sequences to watch for! Good thing its not been campaigned..the messages are not really comforting. No one knows for sure what this volcano will do. Steady 5.3 earthquakes, lava fountains continueing. Have not heard if more cracks are showing up. News releases are being “sanitized” however. And Peridot stones being tossed out with the ash..amazing.

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