• 6 pts
    August 9, 2020 at 8:33 pm #9379

    Lat 28 N to 30N, and Long 108E to 112E in the vicinty of the Three Gorges Dam. Nearby quakes in the Xizang area increase the potential for this area as well. Largest quake of 7+ was in Sichzuan in 2008, attributed to dam building. Increasing of solar activity also increase potential for quakes.

    Reasons, blot echo near by this area, in fact the blot echo has an edge thru this area. Strong monsoonal storm flow diagonal systems across from west to east, with determined low pressure cells staying parked over this area. Extreme flooding of the entire catchment area for Three Gorges and the Yellow River, not a good situation for reservours and dams. So, low pressure, surface factors/flood water high water areas and near to blot echo are the considerations. Also, reports continue regarding landslides from chinese locals, not reported in general news anywhere; those poor people are really suffering.

    Note I am continuing with the surface water theory..maybe not for LARGE quakes, but series of small and esablizing ones.

    Score: 0
    6 pts
    August 11, 2020 at 11:45 am #9385

    close, a 4.5 aug 11, 2020 but at 105 not near 108 longitude. But the whole area is waterlogged and there are big storm systems parked over this area for the next week.

    Score: 0
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