• 115 pts
    February 11, 2018 at 3:55 pm #3871

    BTW – When the C 8.1 flux event occurred at 13:39 UTC 7th Feb, the moon was on longitude 115.666’W (Baja !)… at 16:46 UTC today (as mentioned above) the moon will be on longitude 115.666’W !!!

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    February 12, 2018 at 12:57 am #3875

    Oh man, did you hit Guam! I know you were close by.

    Yes, a little more solar activity has got me curious about those sun/moon positions again.

    I too have had several mag flux hits in the guatamala region again. Starting from Salina Cruz near Oaxaca, Mexico to Guatemala City. There was a blot there recently, and OLR seems to show there every now and then. Your thinking later in this month or March?

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    February 12, 2018 at 5:39 pm #3876

    Hey Chris,

    The Mariana event was not one of mine… I did have one 600 km’s West of here, but it turned out to be sharing a parallel T connection with the 6.4 Taiwan event… wrong track for Guam πŸ™ Tanzania was sharing the same T threshold as the 6.5 Southwest of Africa… I blame you for missing that one (lol).

    Do you still have New Zealand covered ?… there have been daily connections to other seismic events from this location, but it went quiet in the ACE data, it now appears to be gearing up again in the MAG data!

    The data I have accumulated for Guatemala has me questioning “when not if”… I’m sure its there, but the timing is still questionable. The T sequence shows that on 4th March, there will be eight 6+ post seismic locations that correlate to 91.950’W – 13.830’N Offshore Guatemala. A week either side of this date, will only accommodate 5 at the most… therefore 4th March could either be a major footprint, or the day of occurrence ! Another sign that this location has potential, is the fact that I am able to formulate indirect combinations from other prominent events… and still find a contact with Guatemala!. Here’s something you can try on your computer at weekend…

    On 4th March at the times of 02:02 UTC and 14:30 UTC, it will be Sunset / Sunrise on 120.670’W – 36.140’N Parkfield, California. If you check these times in the moon map, you will see that the rising and setting lunar terminators converge Offshore Guatemala (place a small cross on this spot). Now I have a whole bunch of combo’s giving the same result, but here are a couple of “resent” examples…

    I ran a T sequence on the 6.0 Mariana event, it shows Dawn / Dusk occurs today at 19:27 UTC and 09:31 UTC respectively. If you input these times in the moon map, the rising / setting lunar terminators converge on 97.920’E – 39.860’S West of Australia. If you place a small cross on this spot, and input 12:34 UTC 12th Feb in the solar map, you can see that it is Sunset on the West of Australia cross, and Sunrise on the Guatemala cross !… do you think this gives cause to call this an Earth Clock ? lets try another one…

    Between 04:06 UTC and 10:28 UTC, there occurred a total of 14 seismic events on the Island of Ponta Delgada in the Azores Island Region. The biggest event only reached 3.6 magnitude, but the number of events in one location, in a short period gives this prominent status!. The T sequence for Ponta Delgado show Dawn/ Dusk occurs today at 07:07 UTC and 20:46 UTC respectively. If you input these times in the moon map, you will see that the rising / setting lunar terminators converge on 62.960’W – 22.090’S on the Bolivia-Argentina border (place a small cross here). Input 00:12 UTC 12th Feb in the solar map, it is Dusk on the Bolivia cross, and Sunset on the Guatemala cross… I believe that if some kind of celestial timing was “not” at work here, I would not be able to do this !!

    I was interested in investigating this possibility with Patrick, but a line of his correspondence had me confused as to weather I was being told or asked ??… it is probably my age that I sometimes misinterpret short text.

    Do you think “Bill and Ted” would be interested in following the Guatemala trail again ? they missed it last time πŸ™

    When that C 1.5 flux event occurred today at 01:28 UTC, it was Sunset in La Rumorosa, Baja CA… 46 km’s West of Mexicali πŸ™‚

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    February 13, 2018 at 2:28 pm #3884

    M 5.6 Andaman Islands region… the T sequence shows Sunrise occurred on this epicentre today at 00:12 UTC, also at this time it was Sunset on 91.950’W – 13.830’N Offshore Guatemala. This time corresponds with the moon equation related to Ponta Delgado Island, Azores Island Region in my last post above…

    The T sequence also shows Dusk on this 5.6 epicentre occurred at 13:06 UTC, it is Dawn at this time on 115.642’W – 32.600’N Mexicali, Baja California (place a small cross here).

    Chris… here’s a moon combo that works in your favour !

    Dawn and Dusk on the 5.6 Andaman epicentre occurs today at 23:00 UTC and 13:06 UTC respectively. If you input these times in the moon map, you will see that the rising / setting lunar terminators converge on 69.560’E – 39.670’S Southern Indian Ocean (place a small cross here). If you now input 14:28 UTC 13th Feb in the solar map, it is Sunset on the Indian Ocean cross, and Sunrise on 115.642’W – 32.600’N Mexicali, Baja CA.

    On 16th Feb at 14:56 UTC, the setting lunar terminator will be located on the Indian Ocean cross, and the rising lunar terminator will be located on the Mexicali cross. Also at this time, the setting lunar terminator is located on 60.566’E – 7.850’S West Indian Ocean, this is the location the moon occupied during the 7.6 North of Honduras event 10/1… this may have no relevance to a seismic trigger, but we shall find that out on the 16th πŸ™‚

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    February 13, 2018 at 2:44 pm #3885

    BTW – proton levels in the EPAMp monitor started increasing from 09:00 UTC… it was Dusk on Madden Canyon, New Zealand at this time !!

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    February 13, 2018 at 2:50 pm #3886

    You give me hope that I can still go head-to-head or continue partnering up…I prefer the latter πŸ™‚

    I do feel bad about my influence on your work as well. When I saw South Africa hit again, I remembered you were north of that, and wondered if that was like our Guatemala miss! You and I were working on the same lines that initially lead us both to the Philippines, but your instincts and skill took you north to Taiwan. That had me kicking my own butt, but was glad you thought of it πŸ™‚ If Bill and Ted go to Guatemala, Bill will keep his mouth shut :-). I am in that area, but my view is still broad (as you could see from what I have in my previous post for where I am looking).

    Not sure what I have for New Zealand… my work over the weekend didn’t bring me close enough to the fault lines? I had Kermedec Trench (kinda northeast toward Fiji Tonga) I had the Tasman sea off the coast of South Island NZ, Chatham Rise? Any quake ms there ever? And from Auckland’s to southward polar fault zones… not sure what to make of that my friend πŸ™‚

    After you Taiwan hit… I don’t mind going to the coast of Guatemala if it is a means to say sorry for Africa (lol).

    Hope you’re feeling better!

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    115 pts
    February 13, 2018 at 3:41 pm #3887

    Africa was a little dry humour my friend… nothing to worry about πŸ™‚ Andaman Island shares the same Dusk threshold as Urirchar, Bangladesh… wrong stop !. Andaman occurred at 02:39:52 UTC, this is Solar Noon on my Honshu forecast… wrong stop again. I consistently miss for the “right” reasons… its not easy being me πŸ™‚

    I would be happy if Bill continues to be vocal on this one… anything related to Guatemala and speak your mind. Besides, if this Aussie flu I have contracted gets any worse… Bill might have to do all the talking πŸ™‚

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    February 13, 2018 at 3:49 pm #3888

    Uh oh… hopefully not :-).

    Forgot to ask about Pat? I keep staring at those times posted. I need to check my T&D’s from the Mag fluxes in past occasions too, but many of those times are fairy close to some repeat times I have been seeing?

    That person might have something to add to your work…especially if you guys are coming up with the same date! I would hope that new connection is a good one too…I do understand the hesitation as well.

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    February 13, 2018 at 10:09 pm #3889

    As I explained to Pat, I am neither for nor against planetary alignment theories… I cannot judge a subject that I know very little about. However, I am of the opinion that given an acceptable margin of say 7 days either side of 4th March, and a minimum magnitude of 7+, an event should occur in this period… I would be interested in perusing this subject further. A magnitude 7 or 8 does not occur every month like a 6+, so it is not beyond the bounds of feasibility, to consider an external source may play a part here!

    How is it with you on the movie scene, watched anything good lately ?… I watched “Hacksaw Ridge” on DVD last week, its a long time since I shed a tear during a war movie πŸ™‚

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    February 14, 2018 at 10:33 am #3891

    M 5.5 Kepulauan Aru, Indonesia at 00:05:30 UTC 14/2

    The T sequence shows Dusk / Dawn on this epicentre occurs today at 10:40 UTC and 20:00 UTC respectively. If you input these times in the moon map, you will see that the rising / setting lunar terminators converge on 120.770’E – 48.990’S South of Australia (place a small cross here). If you now input 11:20 UTC 14/2 in the solar map, it is Sunset on the South of Australia cross, and Dawn on 91.950’W – 13.830’N Offshore Guatemala !

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    February 14, 2018 at 4:57 pm #3892

    No movies lately. Mostly animated ones for my son. Hacksaw Ridge is on my wish list! Must have been good to draw out a tear from the old goat! πŸ™‚

    Hoping I won’t be too late to contribute anymore with respect to Guatemala by this weekend. Curious about the area that I did have on alert once before, Puerto Rico and Trinidad and Tobago, and how it may be playing a role in the build-up along that fault that runs into Guatemala region…or if I was too early again and that spot will have a large quake.

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    February 15, 2018 at 3:22 pm #3894

    Yes! I also cried when Lassie finally made it home πŸ™‚ soft old goat!

    Guatemala is prominent in the math, but as yet it is not really making itself noticed in the space data. The correlation with post seismic locations on 4th March is quite impressive, but if you recall similar grand correlations have been associated with Iceland and Italy… and nothing happened!. The difference this time is the moon equations I have been posting, seem to keep landing offshore Guatemala… the math will only correlate to here if it has purpose. Bottom line is, I don’t think there is an immediate deadline with Guatemala just yet, until the space data or other seismic events start correlating with its terminator thresholds… we just keep an eye on it until we are sure!

    Ben Aired a piece on SO news yesterday, related to the swarm in the Azores Islands. I had already included this location in my Guatemala moon equation, so I decided to take another look and came up with another strange correlation…

    The first and last swarm events on Ponta Delgaga Island occurred at 04:06 UTC and 10:28 UTC totalling 6 hours 22 minutes . I related this to Dusk / Dawn or the length of night somewhere on the Earth. My search landed me on 105.460’W – 43.500’S in the Southeast Pacific, close to the West Chile rise fault line. The T sequence showed Dusk at this location occured at 04:06 UTC (as it naturally would) but also at this time it was Dusk on the 7.9 Gulf of Alaska epicentre 23/1. When I input Solar Noon here at 19:17 UTC, it was Sunset on the Ponta Delgado epicentre’s !!. The lunar terminator at this time was located on 49.583’W – 0.333’N… I’ll cover the significance of this location in a future post.

    The T sequence for Ponta Deldado Island on 12th Feb shows Sunrise occurred at 08:36 UTC… it was Dusk at this time on 156.230’E – 49.790’N Kamchatka Ridge. Dusk occurred here at 20:46 UTC… it was sunrise on 156.230’E – 49.790’N Kamchatka Ridge!

    Another 3.1 event occurred in the Azores region yesterday at 12:01:33 UTC, it was Sunrise at this time on the 7.6 North of Honduras epicentre 10/1.

    I don’t know if the Southeast Pacific co-ordinates have relevance, but the latitude is within the realms of Auckland, South Island NZ, Tasman Sea and Los Lagos, Chile. I have been watching for any Trinidad and Tobago contacts, and yesterday a spike occurred in the EPAMe data at 23:18 UTC, it was Dusk here but it was also Dawn in Bangladesh…open to question!

    I know we now live in an age of computer generated characters in the movies, so just to clarify, Lassie was an animal star of the 60’s… a real one πŸ™‚

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    February 15, 2018 at 5:27 pm #3895

    BTW – I was wondering why the USGS had a 2.7 in East Kingston, New Hampshire in the “red”… I found something you might want to check out!

    Dawn and Sunset on this 2.7 epicentre occurs today at 10:08 UTC and 22:16 UTC, input these times in the moon map, and the rising / setting lunar terminators converge on Trinidad & Tobago !

    I’m not very good at card tricks… but I know how to shuffle a few T thresholds πŸ™‚

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    February 16, 2018 at 5:08 pm #3899

    M 5.6 North of Ascension Island 08:27:21 UTC 15/2

    The T sequence shows Sunrise /Sunset occurred on this epicentre at 07:24 UTC and 19:31 UTC respectively. If you input these times in the moon map, you will see that the rising / setting lunar terminators converge on 158.840’E – 4.650’S Solomon Islands Region (place a small cross here). If you now input 18:22 UTC 15/2 in the solar map, it is Dawn on the Solomon’s cross, and the sun is on longitude 91.966’W = Solar Noon on 91.950’W – 13.830’N Offshore Guatemala !

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    February 17, 2018 at 12:23 am #3902

    Too late to be able say something…


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    February 17, 2018 at 1:37 am #3903

    I told you that we should watch for signs on this coastline… I think this qualifies !!

    When the 6.4 event occurred in Taiwan on 6th Feb at 15:50:43 UTC, the moon was on longitude 158.656’W. When this 7.2 Oaxaca, Mexico occurred at 23:39:42 UTC, the moon was on longitude 158.650’W !

    We might have missed our train on this one !

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    February 17, 2018 at 1:36 pm #3905

    Hey Chris,

    I ran the numbers on the 7.2 Oaxaca, Mexico event,and discovered it was my turn to kick my own butt this time !

    On the days between 6th – 9th February, I logged 4 significant contacts in each case at 18:45 UTC, I related these to Dawn on Duke of York Island P.N.G.. The last one on the 9th had me convinced this could be a 7+… 15 minutes later, I posted my forecast accordingly. On the 10th February, a 5.8 occurred 80 km’s North of my forecast co-ordinates, signs were good that I was in the right place… or so I thought!. Between 31st January and 24th February, Solar Noon on the 7.2 Oaxaca, Mexico epicentre occurs at 18:45 UTC !!

    Here’s a little math…

    The 5.6 North of Ascension Island equation I posted yesterday, showed the lunar terminator cross on 158.840’E – 4.650’S Solomon Islands region. If you input 01:39 UTC 17/2, it is solar Noon on these co-ordinates (01:38:41 UTC), and Sunset on the 2.9 Los Angeles epicentre.

    The T sequence shows Dusk on the 7.2 Oaxaca, Mexico epicentre occurred yesterday (16th) at 01:47 UTC, it was also Sunset at this time on 120.670’W – 36.140’N Parkfield, California. If you input this time in the moon map, you will see that the lunar terminator is located on the 2.9 Los Angeles epicentre.

    Dusk and Dawn on the 7.2 Oaxaca epicentre occurred yesterday (16th) at 01:47 UTC and 11:44 UTC respectively. If you input these times in the moon map, you will see that the rising / setting lunar terminators converge on 91.850’W – 52.250’S Southeast Pacific. Solar Noon occurs here at 18:22 UTC… it is the same Solar Noon time as 91.950’W – 13.830’N Offshore Guatemala !!

    The math keeps landing on Guatemala!… perhaps it means another train could be arriving around the 4th March !

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    February 17, 2018 at 2:01 pm #3906

    BTW – the same equation produces a second lunar cross on 88.050’E – 51.365’N Altai Republic, Central Russia. 88.050’E is the opposite longitude to 91.950’W Offshore Guatemala !

    A significant break occurred in the MAG data earlier today at 07:26 UTC, it was Sunset 100 km’s West of Nendo Island, Santa Cruz Islands Region, and the moon was on longitude 88.366’E

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    February 17, 2018 at 3:51 pm #3907


    Well… a quake off the coast of Guatemala already at 77km depth… good sign that we are still on. I got a recent set of mag fluxes that puts me between Guatemala City and San Salvador. I believe a quake just occurred there too around 40km deep?

    I have a party for my son to go to and unable to do any forecasting today, and errands tomorrow…my weekend work wis limited to what I can scrape up in the early mornings like I just did. Got another flux hit for Trinidad. Hopefully I won’t be too late with another post.

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    February 17, 2018 at 5:05 pm #3908

    At 14:31:05 UTC today, a 4.7 occurred NE of Clydach, Wales,UK. From the time of this post EMSC has recorded 1500 felt responses… being in my neck of the wood I decided to check it out…

    Dawn occurred on this epicentre at 05:35 UTC, the lunar terminator was located on 153.704’W – 0.304’N Central Pacific, this is the location occupied by the moon during the 6.1 Taiwan event 4/2… Sunrise occurred at 07:26 UTC, this is the same time reported above in relation to the MAG data break… also at this time, the lunar terminator was located on the 6.0 Fiji epicentre 1/2… Dusk occurs at 19:26 UTC, it is Dawn on the 6.0 Mariana epicentre at this time. If you wind the clock back to 12th February, Dusk on this epicentre occurred at 19:18 UTC, it was Sunset on the Ponta Delgado swarm epicentre at this time and date……. Solar Noon occurred today at 12:30 UTC, it was Dusk on the 6.0 Java epicentre 23/1… Sunrise on 91.950’W – 13.830’N “Offshore Guatemala”… and the lunar terminator was located on the 6.0 Java epicentre 23/1.

    Speculation… When the 7.2 Oaxaca, Mexico event occurred at 23:39:42 UTC, the moon was on longitude 158.650’W, as explained previously this is the same longitude it occupied during the 6.4 Taiwan event 6/2. During this 7.2 Oaxaca event, the sun was on longitude 171.416’W.

    On 1st March at 11:11:36 UTC, the moon will be on longitude 171.416’W… it will be Dawn on 91.950’W- 13.830’N “Offshore Guatemala”… Dusk on the 6.4 Taiwan epicentre 6/2… and Sunset on the 6.0 Java epicentre 23/1.

    Chris… don’t worry about keeping up with me, I’m just posting info as I find it. Hopefully it should portray the picture that we want… the 7.2Oaxaca rocked the boat a little, but I think we are still on course for Guatemala !

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    February 17, 2018 at 8:51 pm #3911

    Chris… a significant contact has been recorded in the MAG Phi data at 19:51 UTC, the moon was on longitude 92.110’W, and it was Sunrise on Woodlark Island, Solomon Sea… Guatemala has awakened in the space data !!

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    February 18, 2018 at 12:28 am #3912

    Awesome… wondering about a buildup of OLR of its coastline and whether it will approach?

    Lester, anything for diablo, CA? Seeing clustering happening there, like in Puerto Rico, has me curious. Had a few mag flux lines near it using T&D w/tromso data. Not far from where the M4 in Berkeley had been?

    A sun/moon position near it also triggered a little mag fluxing in the stackplots. Trying to adhere to looking at matching atmospheric data, but thing I have are pending lows in nor-cal that may or may not come close. More of a convergence… not the actual center of the low.

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Counselor.
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    11 pts
    February 18, 2018 at 12:06 pm #3917

    Ok Lester…

    Here’s a spot that came up for me, but I definitely feel like I need your input on this location:

    Xinfengjian shuiku, guandong, China


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    February 18, 2018 at 4:40 pm #3918

    I could not find Shuiku, but I ran a T sequence on 114.580’E – 23.800’N Xinfengjian Reservoir, Guandong, China… the sequence kept missing key locations by minutes. However, I think I have found the most optimal location in this region with potential for a seismic event. This is located on 112.685’E – 23.865’N Kuidongzhen, Guandong, China… these co-ordinates are 178 km’s West of Xinfengjian Reservoir.

    The T sequence for today (18th)

    Dawn 21:46 UTC = Dawn on the 6.0 Java epicentre 23/1
    Sunrise 23:02 UTC = Sunrise on the 6.0 Java epicentre 23/1 – Dawn on 84.216’E – 19.433’S Central Indian Ocean, this is the location occupied by the sun during the 6.0 Java event 23/1.
    Dusk 11:43 UTC = Dawn on the 7.2 Oaxaca epicentre 16/2

    On 24th February, this location has a unique convergence with the sun and lunar terminator

    Solar Noon 04:44:10 UTC 24/2 = Sunrise on the 6.5 Southwest of Africa epicentre – the moon is located on longitude 149.033’W, this is the same longitude as the 7.9 Gulf of Alaska event 23/1 – the lunar terminator is located on 112.685’E – 23.865’N Kuidongzhen, Guandong, China !!

    There is correlation with two events that occurred on the same day 23/1, correlation with two 7+ events… and the lunar terminator on the same location at the point of Solar Noon !

    I checked West Coast California, anything of significance always seems to tie in with Parkfield… maybe I have become obsessed πŸ™‚

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    February 18, 2018 at 6:16 pm #3919

    BTW – at 14:22 UTC today, the lunar terminator was located on 91.950’W – 13.830’N Offshore Guatemala. Also at this time it was Sunrise on 115.642’W – 32.600’N Mexicali, Baja, CA… and Sunrise on 110.998’W – 44.744’N Yellowstone National Park, Montana !

    I see a 4.8 has occurred in the “Prince Edward Islands” Region… is this one of your “overdue” forecasts by any chance πŸ™‚

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