• 115 pts
    March 29, 2018 at 12:51 pm #4182

    If you input 06:38 UTC 27th March in the moon map, it is Moonset 60 km’s off Coast of Constitucion… this is the same time and date I posted above relating to the Sunrise / Moonset convergence on Iceland, and Sunset on the deep 5.1 epicentre in NZ !!

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    March 29, 2018 at 2:14 pm #4185


    Hey Lester!

    Look at constitucion in my magnetometer flux observations!

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    March 29, 2018 at 2:17 pm #4186

    Apologies they are not in order. I was quickly trying to get peaks and relaxation points too! Was already seeing Chile and posted what I had so far!

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    March 29, 2018 at 2:43 pm #4187

    Oh! good job, I would have been happy with a 2.5 in Yellowstone today… but this will do instead πŸ™‚

    Just checking some back data, if the numbers add up I’ll post B & T later…

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    March 29, 2018 at 10:31 pm #4189

    Hey Chris… here are a few notes I made today, a bit of a mixed bag but I think you will get the idea…

    Dusk on the chile co-ordinates occurred today at 00:16 UTC, it was Solar Noon on White Island Ridge, Bay of Plenty, NZ at this time.
    Solar Noon on the Chile co-ordinates tomorrow (30th) occurs at 16:57 UTC, it will be Dawn on White Island Ridge, Bay of Plenty, NZ at this time. At 11:03 UTC, it was Sunrise on the Chile co-ordinates, and Dusk in Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands.

    An aspect change occurred today at 11:20 UTC, I combined it with previous data and it was a match for Sunrise on 81.030’W – 21.620’N Jagua Bank, Cuba. Moonrise occurred today on the Chile co-ordinates at 22:07 UTC, it was also Moonrise on the Cuba Co-ordinates at this time !. Dusk on the Cuba co-ordinates occurred at 00:53 UTC, it was also Sunset in Cherokee, Oklahoma (might be one to watch !).

    An aspect change at 10:14 UTC (listed above) correlates to Dusk on 145.900’E – 44.470’N Numuro Strait, Hokkaido.

    The original Numuro Strait combo consisted of two aspect changes at 08:40 UTC and 11:02 UTC on 27th March (as posted on 27th). Also on 27th at 08:40 UTC, it was Dusk on 159.561’E – 9.419’S Honiara,Solomon Islands !… Numuro and Honiara share a parallel T connection. Sunset occurred today in Honiara at 07:28 UTC, the rising Lunar terminator was located on Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands

    A 6.9 has occurred in P.N.G. at 21:25:36 UTC, Sunrise in Okinawa occurred today at 21:25 UTC !!

    On second thoughts… perhaps we should just park ourselves in P.N.G. πŸ™‚

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    March 29, 2018 at 10:56 pm #4190

    Ugh PNG…

    At least Hokkaido tipped its hat to us!

    You and I shared data for it I think on the 28th?

    Yeah… Let’s go to the P(ark)NG garage πŸ™‚

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    March 30, 2018 at 10:06 pm #4192

    I like your style πŸ™‚ I was going to reply accordingly, but couldn’t think of anything nice to say about P.N.G.

    Thought I saw something for Sea of Japan, so decided to take a shot at it… might be a 6.5 in P.N.G. tomorrow now that I have done that !

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    March 30, 2018 at 11:39 pm #4193

    Chris… I spotted an error with the Chile forecast, the math works for 60 km’s off the coast of Constitucion “Maule”. I mistakenly wrote Conceptcion in my notes… Concepcion is in Bio Bio

    Should I make amends to the forecast ? the co-ordinates are correct, only the location name is wrong.

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    March 31, 2018 at 4:21 am #4199

    I think the Mag flux images I shared earlier are within that range? Let’s make the correction. πŸ™‚

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    March 31, 2018 at 5:57 pm #4201


    I see something in Sea of Japan as well.

    Got something to share with you.

    Could use your help on a spot I have if you have the time?

    Even if Bonin/Maug/marianas/ PNG hit instead, this is still fun. πŸ™‚

    Isikawa peninsula with a line that crosses the Toyama Sea channel over to Sado Island?

    Got an approximate start point of coordinates too:

    137.14 E, 37.48 N

    Obviously not the exact point just a ballpark…good enough for government work as the expression goes πŸ™‚

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    March 31, 2018 at 7:09 pm #4202

    On the east side, around Japan trench:

    250 KM around Erimo seamount (not too far from our B&T) and/or,

    200-250 KM east of miyako (Iwate),

    250 KM radius around hitachi-guyot seamount.

    These are within the black shaded area for Ben I believe.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Counselor.
    Score: 0
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    March 31, 2018 at 9:20 pm #4206

    Hey Chris,

    Just got back from an Easter family gathering, Unfortunately a couple of sherry’s have put my eyes beyond the help of my reading glasses… it could have been three actually πŸ™‚ However,a preliminary look shows Sado Island,Japan includes the 6.6 Banda Sea event, and the 6.9 New Britain region event in its T sequence. Also included is the recent 3.9 Central Italy with 77 EMSC felt responses… small quakes can be on the same track too remember ! The big quakes suggest this is a potentially good location, I was trying to work a 09:10 UTC MAG aspect change this morning, I matched it on Vancouver Island… but it also fits here too !. Hope this helps, I’ll do a full workup tomorrow… now, where did I leave my coffee pot ? πŸ™‚

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    April 1, 2018 at 1:09 pm #4208

    Chris… checkout the Aspect changes in the MAG and SWEPAM data at 11:16 UTC -8 LS = 11:08 UTC, they match Sunrise on our Chile forecast co-ordinates !. Problem is, they also match with Concepcion, Bio Bio… but this is still within our margin.

    Working on your Japan query… already found a couple of surprise correlations !

    More later…

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    April 1, 2018 at 2:35 pm #4209

    Awesome… I hope you got some rest. Had a get together with family last night. I have another this morning and waiting on my pot of coffee :-).

    I have some fun screen shots of particulate matter in the atmosphere from nullschool.net that got me thinking about my static build-up idea from a while back, something I noticed in one of Ben’s daily videos, and something that reminded me of our discussion about circuit boards.

    I was tracking a cluster of quakes at the M7+ site in Alaska that had me tracking other recent quake sites and the connections with wind, total cloud water, and particulates in the air! Including that Iceland geological event, and that strange deep quake off the west coast of NZ.

    I have been busy checking these maps and cross referencing some of your spots, B&T, my one forecast, and a few areas Ben has on watch (mainly Japan and PNG). Many of the spots show a higher concentration of particulates, a higher rate of wind, cloud water/percipitable water, and either showing a parallel convergence on/near a fault (or a vortex like the atmospheric lows).

    Remember the separation of charges discussed in here before, perhaps the particulates are the β€œwire” for the circuit board so to speak. Although just another layer in the layer, but one that would create a focal point for positive and negative charges.

    I found Sado using my KP idea, which put me on a nearby line with your Sea of Japan forecast, but Sado and your sight offered similar particulates and wind patterns.

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    April 1, 2018 at 2:36 pm #4210

    T sequence for 137.980’E – 37.870’N Toyama Trough, 20 km’s East of Sado Island, Japan… 31st March

    Dawn 19:07 UTC = Dusk on 13.48’E – 42.36’N L’Aquila, Central Italy (3.9 epicentre 31/3)
    Sunrise 20:36 UTC = Moonset on 145.900’E – 44.470’N Numuro Strait, Hokkaido (B&T)… exactly 12 hours later at 08:35:25 UTC, a 5.3 occurred on the Iran-Iraq border !
    Sunset 09:10 UTC = Dusk on 6.9 New Britain Region epicentre 29/3… Dusk on 6.6 New Britain Region epicentre 26/3
    Dusk 10:38 UTC = Dusk on 6.6 Banda Sea epicentre 25/3… Moonset on 3.9 Mona Passage epicentre 29/3
    Solar Noon 02:53 UTC = Moonset on 5.3 Iran-Iraq epicentre 1/4 !!
    T sequence for 142.960’E – 36.850’N Japan Trench, 185 km’s East of Iwaki,Japan… 31st March

    Dawn 18:48 UTC = Sunset on 5.6 Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge epicentre 17/3… Sunrise on 4.7 Isangel Island, Vanuatu epicentre 1/4
    Sunrise 20:16 UTC = Dawn on 6.6 Banda Sea epicentre 25/3
    T sequence for 145.040’E – 40.875’N Erimo Seamount, 180 km’s Southeast of Hokkaido… 31st March

    Dawn 18:32 UTC = Solar Noon on 96.775’W – 35.541’N 10 km’s NW of Prague, Oklahoma (2.6 epicentre 1/4) πŸ™‚

    I could not find Hitachi-Goyot Seamount, could you post co-ordinates or another close seamount for reference… maybe my head is not clear yet ?. I found no significant correlations 200 km’s East of Miyako, so I moved down the trench and found the listed correlations above East of Iwaki. In my opinion, Toyama Trough shows the most potential for a seismic connection to the big guys, and it does have an uncanny connection to the 5.3 Iran-Iraq event !

    Bill & Ted have Hokkaido covered, I have a centre spot, I think you should take South… in this way, we can all meet in P.N.G. later πŸ™‚

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    April 1, 2018 at 2:39 pm #4211

    I can share in a separate post outside this thread. Don’t want to fall back into my old habit of one long stream of of screen shots.

    Sorry Ben :-/ at least separated Iceland and Alaska out in those emails.

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    April 1, 2018 at 2:40 pm #4212

    Awesome Lester! Sorry I was posting as you were! πŸ™‚

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    April 1, 2018 at 8:13 pm #4214

    I think you should continue investigating particulate matter in relation to your static build up theory… it might lead to a better working theory to help determine spontaneous events. We can spend many days gathering data for a particular location, only to be let down with a low Magnitude result. The high mag events seem to come out of nowhere, therefore, there has to be a catalyse that develops within a 48 hour period. It might be interesting to see what developed before the Banda Sea event, I recognised the signal as a seismic contact, but it looked no different from signal related to a 4.9 in Sumatra… there is no distinction between a big spike and small spike so to speak, in making a determination of magnitude. You are doing right by including different location aspects into the equation… the rare ones like Iceland and New Zealand are sometimes the hidden key that fits everything else together.

    Whilst you have been drawing up theories, I have been constructing my own circuit board today (or in my case… valve radio πŸ™‚ ). I used the two greatest flux events of the last 3 days to determine a correlation with an old friend of ours… it seems to give evidence for us to “consider” a retry !

    On 30th March, a class C 4.6 flux event occurred at 08:04 UTC -8 LS = 07:56 UTC… at 07:56 UTC, it was Dusk on 169.731’E – 20.651’S, epicentre of today’s 4.7 Isangel Island, Vanuatu event. The event itself is nothing to get exited about, but the trail does get warmer. The T sequence shows Solar Noon occurred here today at 00:46 UTC, it was Moonrise at this time on 91.950’W – 13.830’N Offshore Guatemala… our old friend !.

    Today, a class B 9.0 flux event occurred at 13:08 UTC -8 LS = 13:00 UTC… at 13:00 UTC, it was Moonrise on 91.960’E – 25.960’N North of Shillong, Meghalaya (you may recall these are my current forecast co-ordinates). Also at this time, it was Moonset on our Guatemala co-ordinates. When it was Moonset on my Meghalaya co-ordinates at 00:20 UTC today, it was Sunset on the Guatemala co-ordinates.

    If you go back to 30th March (day of the C 4.6), it was Sunrise in Guatemala and Sunset in Meghalaya on their respective co-ordinates at 12:08 UTC !!. The 4.7 that occurred in Guatemala today was the highest magnitude event of 2018 in this location. I am speculating all the recent activity in Oaxaca, Mexico may be building up stress on the Southeast fault. I have been reviewing all the data and combo’s we posted over the past several weeks, it is as I mentioned the other day, overwhelming !!… are you game for a retry ?

    My head still hurts… trust my sister to go cheap on the booze πŸ™

    btw – an aspect change has occurred in the MAG data at 17:30 UTC, it was Solar Noon on 81.030’W – 21.620’N Jagua Bank, Cuba !

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    April 1, 2018 at 8:32 pm #4215

    I am totally game for a retry! πŸ™‚

    I was going to go dip into those solar flare times, but I am already seeing Guatemala with you using the Magnetometer and TEC data.

    That stress in Oaxaca, and the Caribbean, had me renew my little forecast. Java is kinda showing up, but I extended that anyway for B & T.

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    April 2, 2018 at 11:39 am #4219

    M 6.1 South of Fiji Islands at 05:57:31 UTC

    On 31st March, a Sunset / Moonrise convergence occurred on this epicentre at 05:46 UTC

    Also on this day, Moonset occurred on this epicentre at 18:11 UTC… the sun was on longitude 91.716’W = Solar Noon on the Guatemala Co-ordinates !

    The T sequence shows Dawn occurs here at 16:40 UTC today… the moon will be on longitude 137.916’E (Toyama Trough !)

    At the stated event time, the sun was on longitude 91.533’E (Meghalaya !)

    I missed the clues for the 6.1… must have taken a wrong turn on my circuit board ! πŸ™

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    April 2, 2018 at 1:42 pm #4220

    I too missed that 6.1 from being so hyper focused on some of our current areas. I forgot about checking in on NZ to Fiji when I was looking/ being distracted at the Rende, China quake and wondering about that guangdong post!

    I go back to work this week. I hope I can check in during the evening and mornings like I had before the Holiday break.

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    April 2, 2018 at 4:11 pm #4221

    Chris… I mentioned yesterday the possibility of high magnitude quakes being instigated by an unknown catalyse within 48 hours of occurrence. I showed above that the 6.1 South of Fiji event experienced a solar / lunar convergence on 31st March… so this is interesting. On 31st March at 10:19 UTC, it was Sunrise and Moonset on the 6.8 Bolivia epicentre… a solar / lunar convergence !. Both patterns fit the 31st March, and they both occurred +/- 3 of 48 hours !

    I have compiled a short list of convergences that have occurred or will occur today, my focus was “Usual suspects” and fault lines;

    2/4 10:06 UTC – Dusk / Moonset on 153.400’E – 48.050’N Sarychev Peak, Kuril Islands region
    2/4 15:52 UTC – Dusk / Moonset on 52.140’E – 37.170’S Gallieni Fracture Zone, South of Madagascar
    2/4 23:23 UTC – Dusk / Moonset on 30.120’W – 59.570’N Raykjanes Ridge region, Iceland
    3/4 00:21 UTC – Dusk / Moonset on 74.030’W – 43.140’S Isla Grande de Chiloe, Los Lagos, Chile
    (also at 00:21 UTC, it is Sunset on 91.950’W – 13.830’N Offshore Guatemala !)

    The convergence transits mostly no mans land today, so these are the best I could find. I am not putting a lot of faith in this working, but if it produces a 3+ on one of these locations in the next 48 hours… it might be something worth further investigation !

    I will continue posting anything of interest… no need to reply, unless you can tell me where the next 6+ is going to be πŸ™‚

    Enjoy your week and don’t work to hard…

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    April 2, 2018 at 5:20 pm #4222

    That sounds awesome! πŸ™‚

    Hey, did you see the blot in our Jakarta B&T?

    Should we adjust the magnitude range to 6+?

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    April 2, 2018 at 7:01 pm #4223

    Something interesting… On 17th March at 10:16 UTC, the sun and moon were located on longitude 28.100’E (New Moon !)… also at this time, it was Sunrise on 63.017’W – 20.652’S Carandayti, Bolivia (6.8 epicentre)

    On 6th April at 15:39 UTC, it will be Moonset in Carandayti, Bolivia on the co-ordinates stated, and Moonrise on Al Hidaya Road, Bekasi District, Jakata… this is the good news. The bad news is, it only leaves us one day… yes! I think you should increase the Magnitude range, may be we’ll get lucky πŸ™‚

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    April 2, 2018 at 7:24 pm #4225

    Done! And, my school/ area I work in (Los Angeles area), had a curious power outage. The universe felt I needed to check in with you πŸ™‚

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