• 115 pts
    May 2, 2018 at 2:11 pm #4456

    We don’t really have enough data for Pomona yet… we need a few terminator contacts before considering going further. I did a rough workup on the 5.5+ events yesterday, and that’s how I know the locations mentioned would have to be in the same loop as Los Angeles… it is based on T sequence and event time correlations.

    1st May 12:46 UTC – M 5.7 Fiji Region… the rising lunar terminator was located on Pulau Simeulue Island, North Sumatra… Dusk occurred at 07:09 UTC, the moon was located on longitude 91.833’W Guatemala… Solar Noon occurred at 00:10 UTC, it was Moonset on Pulau Pagai-Selatan Island, West Sumatra… the rising lunar terminator was located on North of Panama !

    1st May 17:16 UTC – M 5.9 Pacific Antarctic Ridge… it was Solar Noon North of Panama !… Dusk occurred at 04:05 UTC, it was Dusk on San Clemente Island, CA and Sunrise on Ischia Island, Tyrrhenian Sea… Solar Noon occurred at 21:25 UTC, the setting lunar terminator was located on New Ireland P.N.G.

    1st May 19:48 UTC – M 5.9 Fiji Region… it was Sunrise on New Ireland P.N.G…. Dusk on Ischia Island, Tyrrhenian Sea… Dusk on Ascension Island… Solar Noon on Pomona, LA… Sunrise occurred at 18:05 UTC, it was Solar Noon on 91.983’W Guatemala… Sunset occurred at 05:32 UTC, it was Solar Noon on Pulau Simeulue Island, North Sumatra… Dusk occurred at 06:46 UTC, it was Sunrise on Ascension Island.

    2nd May 06:33 UTC – M 5.6 Easter Island Region… Dawn occurred as 12:30 UTC, it was Dusk on Pulau Pagai-Selatan Island, West Sumatra… Sunset occurred at 00:58 UTC, it was Moonset on Pulau Pagai-Selatan Island, West Sumatra… the rising lunar terminator was located on North of Panama… Dusk occurred at 02:16 UTC, it was Dawn on Ischia Island, Tyrrhenian Sea.

    As you can see, there is only one contact with Pomona. Some of these other locations have double or triple correlations, but it still doesn’t mean anything will occur here. As the contacts mount up, it is a question of watching for the right kind of significant signal. I mentioned about the space data going crazy, and prompting me to forecast Java because it was Dawn here. It was also Sunrise in Molucca Sea and this one occurred, yet Java Didn’t !. I had no contact data for Jakarta, it was based on a gamble of what we had covered in this region before, Molucca Sea had 16 ACE contacts from 13th April !

    Did you see the EPAMe spike at 22:02 UTC yesterday ?… if not, you may still catch it in the 24 hour window. If you check this in the solar map, it relates to one of the above locations, it is the kind of significant signal we need to give reason to post a forecast !

    Chris… just caught your post before pushing the button again πŸ™‚ I’ll check your data and see if it helps with our assessment… you have a couple of T&D’s for 22:00 UTC 1st May ??

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    May 2, 2018 at 6:28 pm #4460

    Hey Chris… you were right about the 5.3 Southern Iran event, this is what I found in the T sequence…

    Event time 04:08:13 UTC… it was Dusk in Pomona, Los Angeles… the rising lunar terminator was located on Yellowstone NP πŸ™‚ … Dawn occurred at 00:22 UTC, it was Sunset on 91.950’W – 13.830’N Offshore Guatemala… Sunset occurred at 15:13 UTC, the setting lunar terminator was located on San Clemente Island, CA. If you go back to 29th April, Sunset occurred at 15:11 UTC, it was Dusk on Piton de la Fournaise Volcano, Reunion at this time… the volcano erupted one hour later !!

    We now have 2 hits on Pomona related to event times, but we don’t have any data contacts. As it stands, I think LA will probably experience a felt event possibly in the next 24 – 48 hours… it does exibit potential but I think we need more !. Here is an example of what has occurred with two of my forecast locations during the last 48 hours…

    1st May 5.7 Fiji Region – Dawn occurred at 17:11 UTC, it was Sunrise on Nikol’Skoye Island

    1st May 5.9 Pacific Antarctic Ridge – Sunrise occurred at 16:56 UTC, it was Moonset on Unimak Island

    2nd May 5.6 Easter Island – event occurred at 06:33 UTC, it was Sunset on Unimak Island… Dawn occurred at 12:30 UTC, it was Dawn on Unimak Island and Dusk on Niklo’Skoye Island… Sunrise occurred at 13:48 UTC, it was Dawn on Nikol’Skoye Island… Solar Noon occurred at 19:22 UTC, it was Moonset on Nikol’Skoye Island

    2nd May 5.3 Southern Iran – Solar Noon occurred at 08:32 UTC, it was Moonset on Unimak Island and Sunset on Nikol’Skoye Island.

    Is this for real or what ? you have to see this on the maps to believe it, but I assure you the contacts are correct. I have logged 30+ correlations with both these locations,since a solar / lunar convergence occurred on Unimak Island, Aleutians on the 14th April. You can appreciate how frustrating it is to see your forecast locations correlate to other events on a daily basis, yet nothing happens. How many times have I correlated Guatemala today ? it is not in the ACE data so it appears nothing is going to occur yet…Pomona has only been hit twice ??.

    If you think about it, we are having no trouble finding potential targets, but I believe we could be misinterpreting what the actual data is telling us. We should collect more contacts related to Pomona, and when that “big spike” occurs in the space data, and we have a threshold, sun or moon on Pomona… that is when we should post a forecast !

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    May 2, 2018 at 6:48 pm #4461

    BTW – here’s a strange occurrence I am currently trying to figure out. At 00:17:12 UTC, a 5.2 occurred in Easter Island, at 12:17:16 UTC, a 5.1 occurred in New Britain P.N.G. … they occurred 12 hours apart.

    At 04:08:13 UTC,a 5.3 occurred in Southern Iran, at 16:09:54 UTC, a 5.1 occurred in Region Metropolitan, Chile… these were also 12 hours apart !!

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    May 2, 2018 at 8:00 pm #4462

    A data break has occurred in all the ACE data feeds at 18:44 UTC -8 LS = 18:36 UTC. At 18:36 UTC, it was Dawn on New Ireland P.N.G. and Sunset on the Ascension Islands region. At 19:29 UTC, a Phi contact and aspect change corresponds to the moon being located on the same longitude as Pulau Pagai-Selatan Island, West Sumatra. These locations had correlations with significant events via the T sequence… but they are now correlating with what is happening in the space data !

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    May 3, 2018 at 1:31 pm #4467

    Hey Lester,

    Your Ace break was followed by a quake at Ascension 3 hours later from the time of that post! πŸ™‚

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Counselor.
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    May 3, 2018 at 3:55 pm #4469

    Thanks Chris… it is always helpful to know that you know I was “nearly” right πŸ™‚

    I did not check my own recordings until late yesterday, I discovered the data stream had flat lined between 10:02 UTC and 11:15 UTC. At 10:02 UTC, the moon was located on longitude 122.066’W (San Francisco !). At 11:15 UTC, it was Sunset on Pulau Pagai-Selatan Island, West Sumatra… this basically ruled out any technical issues. These two times combined also corresponded to Dawn / Sunrise off the coast of Peru. Another prompt for Peru was the EPAMe spike at 22:02 UTC at 12 hours earlier, I’m not sure how it figures in this case, but I mentioned above about events occurring 12 hours apart… this location was also in the stackplot data you posted yesterday. Further to this, I also discovered that for the past three weeks, this location off the coast of Peru had been sharing terminator thresholds with Puerto Rico (your observation !) and Pensacola,Florida !!… most notably at 10:00 UTC on the 15th April, when it was Moonrise in central Puerto Rico, Dawn in Pensacola and Dawn on the Peru co-ordinates. I tried to base magnitude in accordance with the severity of my data… or should I say, the lack of data for that period. I only posted a 3 day forecast because I was tired and wasn’t sure my math was correct… but you know what its like when you are unsure, but don’t want to miss an opportunity.

    I thought that was an incredible hit by Subcoder on Easter Island, an upgrade came late in the day and he got it. I thought it worthy of a mention on SO news, but just like my “thank” above… it is not wasted because others note the achievement !. I also noticed he was in Peru 6 hours before me, if he can hit a 6 within 6 hours of posting… I was confident that I had put us in the right place πŸ™‚

    I think we should take a serious look at Pulau Pagai-Selatan Island, West Sumatra ??

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    May 3, 2018 at 7:38 pm #4470

    I agree about Sumatra. Want to go in together on Puerto Rico then?

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    May 3, 2018 at 9:14 pm #4471

    Giro IRTAM stopped at 3/5/18 1330 UTC.


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    May 4, 2018 at 12:03 am #4475

    At 13:30 UTC, it was Moonrise on Jakarta and Dawn on Nikol’Skoye Island !

    Puerto Rico has only received 10 ACE hits since 13th April, the last one was Sunrise 09:58 UTC 26th April. My forecast for Ryukyu now leads the list with 22 hits, four of those occurred today. In comparison, Puerto Rico has a lot of catching up to do… personally, I would be inclined to wait and see if more hits occur. I mentioned Puerto Rico yesterday in relation to speculating the recent power outage there, may be linked to an anomaly in Peru.

    Bay of Plenty expired today, and there have been 4 hits on Drake Passage in the last 36 hours…this one expired 4 days ago !

    I got the 5.1 in Hawaii, but I am again speculating that the current high rate of activity here, is an opposite longitude reaction to an anomaly in Western Turkey… possibly Bodrum or Rhodes Bank, which were included in my Friday the 13th list !

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    May 4, 2018 at 12:25 am #4476

    BTW – note the MAG and SWEPAM disruption at 23:52 UTC -8 LS = 23:44 UTC. At 23:44 UTC, it was Moonset on Tokuno-Shima Island, Ryukyu Islands… 5 hits today πŸ™‚

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    May 4, 2018 at 12:45 am #4477

    An electron spike has appeared at 00:02 UTC, it was Dusk on the Peru Co-ordinates posted yesterday. At 00:12 UTC, a significant proton spike appeared, it was Dusk on Mona Canyon,Mona Passage… but with data this significant, I would favour Cook Strait, New Zealand because at 00:12 UTC, it was Solar Noon here !!

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    May 4, 2018 at 5:28 pm #4483

    Something interesting…

    A power outage occurred in Denmark today at 04:19 UTC, affecting 30,000 people… also at this time, it was Dusk on the 5.3 Santa Cruz Island, California epicentre 5/4. Going back to 13th April, a power outage occurred in Puerto Rico at 03:55 UTC on this day… it was Dusk on the Santa Cruz Island epicentre at this time. The T sequence shows it was Sunset in central Copenhagen City, Denmark at 18:51 UTC 3rd May… it was also Moonset at this time on Island of Hawaii, Hawaii !!

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    May 4, 2018 at 5:52 pm #4484

    The following may be relevant to my post above…

    A break in the ACE Mag data occurred in the early UTC hours today at 03:16 UTC, it was Solar Noon on Tokuno-Shima Island, Ryukyu Islands. When the data feed resumed at 03:56 UTC, it was Moonrise in Pensacola, Florida… 23 minutes later, the lights went off in Denmark !!

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    May 5, 2018 at 1:32 am #4489

    Did you get your Hawaii hit? πŸ™‚

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    May 5, 2018 at 12:38 pm #4492

    Ugh! I have had better days… remind me to do less speculating in the future πŸ™‚

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    May 5, 2018 at 2:01 pm #4493

    Same here. Need more time in the mornings on my saturdays to do the review As well. Had the data to share back on 4/30, remember my earlier post about some odd TEC signature over Hawaii? I wasn’t sure what I had yet to share with you because I had a family get-together…Got busy at work and kept getting less time to help You or to help the community. πŸ™

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    May 5, 2018 at 3:39 pm #4496

    Chris… I ran a T sequence on the 6.2 Luzon event, on 3rd May it was Sunset / Dusk on this epicentre at 10:02 UTC – 11:15 UTC (ref post above, May 3 3:55 pm) #### πŸ™

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    May 5, 2018 at 6:15 pm #4499

    Here’s the T sequence for the 6.2 Luzon, Philippines event… the data is relevant to previously mentioned locations.

    Dawn occurs on this epicentre at 20:05 UTC, the sun will be located on longitude 122.083’W (San Francisco !). In my (same) post above on 3rd May 3:55 pm, I make mention of the moon being located on longitude 122.066’W at 10:02 UTC… San Francisco may not be finished yet !

    Sunrise occurs at 21:20 UTC, its relevance will follow shortly.

    Sunset occurred at 10:03 UTC, it was Dusk on Unimak Island, Aleutian Islands.

    Dusk occurred at 11:17 UTC, it was Sunrise on Pagai-Salatan Island, West Sumatra… Moonrise on Unimak Island… and Moonset on Ascension. Island.
    In my post dated May 2 6:48 pm, I made mention of events on this day having 12 hour connections. I did not find a plausible reason for the time period… but after the Hawaii and Luzon events occurred, I came up with a neat trick !

    2nd May 00:17:12 UTC – M 5.2 Easter Island
    2nd May 12:16:16 UTC – M 5.1 New Britain Region P.N.G.

    If you input 00:17 UTC – 12:17 UTC in the moon map, the rising / setting lunar terminators form a cross on East Java. The 6.9 Hawaii event occurred yesterday (4th) at 22:32:55 UTC, if you input this time in the solar map, it is Sunrise on the Java cross. The T sequence showed it will be Sunrise on the 6.2 Luzon, Philippines event today at 21:20 UTC, Input this time in the solar map, and it is Dawn on the same Java cross !. In the interest of accuracy, this data calculates as Moonset / Moonrise / Sunrise / Dawn on 113.170’E – 9.360’S Western Lombok Basin region, South of East Java, Indonesia !

    Chris… the Easter Island / New Britain event times also produce a lunar cross off the coast of Venezuela… it might come in handy for your recent forecast πŸ™‚

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    May 6, 2018 at 1:00 pm #4507

    When I woke today, I discovered that my machine had flat-lined again at 04:59 UTC… so I decided to play out a hunch with today’s forecasts !

    On Wednesday 2nd May, a significant EPAMe spike was recorded in the ACE MAG data at 22:02 UTC. On Thursday 3rd May, my own equipment flat-lined between 10:02 UTC and 11:15 UTC. I determined this to be Dawn / Sunrise off the coast of Ica, Peru… and theorised the 22:02 UTC EPAMe spike had an un-established 12 hour connection to my equipment flat-line time. Yesterday, a 6.2 occurred in the Philippines, as mentioned above, this epicentre had Sunset / Dusk times of 10:02 UTC – 11:15 UTC on 3rd May.

    On checking my model for 04:59 UTC today, I found “no” correlations to any mentioned potential targets or forecasts that had been posted on the forum during the last two weeks. When I advanced the model by 12 hours to 16:59 UTC, I found it was Sunset on Rhodes Basin, Western Turkey (near opposite longitude to Hawaii !)… Solar Noon off the coast of Ica, Peru (opposite T connection to 6.2 Philippines !)… Moonset on 91.950’W – 13.830’N Offshore Guatemala (the 4 minute setting lunar terminator influence would be located offshore El Salvador !)… and Sunrise on Nikol’Skoye Island. I forecast Nikol’Skoye Island but it will not count because I have just finished a 20 day period here… so this time I am doing it for me !!

    I would again like to express my congrats to SubcOder and JECfor their hits on Easter Island and Hawaii, and say” your input and theories on this forum would be more than welcome guy’s… even if it is only to talk about movies πŸ™‚ “.

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    May 6, 2018 at 2:14 pm #4509

    BTW – at 23:48 UTC -8 LS = 23:40 UTC yesterday (5th), major disruption occurred in the ACE MAG data, similarly my model showed no correlations to determined locations. At 11:40 UTC today (12 hours later), there have been no related contacts to this “time” in the current ACE display, but the T sequence shows it was Sunrise offshore El Salvador, and Sunset on Pulau Simeulue Island, off the West coast of North Sumatra !!

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    May 6, 2018 at 2:58 pm #4510

    Yesterday, SO news reported on activity occurring at Mt Cleveland Volcano, Alaska. RSOE base data reports a start time of 02:48 UTC 5th May… at 02:47 UTC 5th May, it was Sunset on the 5.3 Santa Cruz Island, California epicentre 5/4 !!

    Continuing on the yesterday theme… I posted data on what I called a “neat trick”, the end result was two lunar terminator crosses on East Java, Indonesia and the coast of Venezuela. If you followed the previous instructions, then include the following. If you input the Mt Cleveland volcano activity start time of 02:48 UTC in the moon map, you will see that the rising / setting lunar terminators are located on the Java and Venezuela moon crosses again… now “that’s” a neat trick πŸ™‚

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    May 6, 2018 at 5:16 pm #4511

    6th May 02:44:19 UTC – M 5.1 Offshore O’Higgins, Chile
    6th May 14:44:20 UTC – M 5.1 Pacific Antarctic Ridge

    These two events at “12 hours” apart, combine to form a Moonrise / Moonset cross on 123.780’E – 8.190’S Balauring, East Nusa Tenggara !

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    May 6, 2018 at 8:10 pm #4513

    A late arrival has appeared on the RSOE alert map… at 09:52 UTC 4th May, a power outage occurred in the METRO Detroit area, Michigan… affecting 260,000 people. The T sequence for Dearborn, central Detroit city on the 4th May shows Sunset occurred at 00:36 UTC. At 00:32 UTC, it was Moonset on the pre-seismic 6.1 Philippines epicentre, 4 minutes later at 00:36 UTC, the setting lunar terminator occupied the same location !. Dawn occurred in Dearborn on this day at 08:34 UTC, it was Dawn in “Puerto Rico” and Sunset on Nikol’Skoye Island !

    Chris… Sunset 00:36 UTC / Sunrise 10:25 UTC in Dearborn, Detroit corresponds to Dusk / Sunrise in the Jean-Rabel area of Haiti… a 4.0 occurred at this location on 12th April !

    Looks like “Doc & Marty” have just secured their first hit in El Salvador… SO!, which brand of coffee do you like πŸ™‚ (lol)

    My 12 hour connection theory does seem to have played a part in corroborating ACE data and my own data to this location… you do literally have to go 12 hours “Back to the Future” ??

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    May 6, 2018 at 8:59 pm #4514

    Doc you’re awesome! I drink dark roasts. Not sure if stumptown or Intelligencia are sold in your town, but I am not a coffee snob… promise! πŸ™‚

    Never thought our exploration into power outages would lead to some interesting extra data for us!

    I didn’t see the M4 in Haiti on the 12th!

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    May 7, 2018 at 4:46 pm #4520

    Got a blue to red TEC flux over Venezuela/Trin and Tobago!


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