• 6 pts
    June 28, 2020 at 1:22 pm #9125

    Box 28-31 N, `100-104 east. Note this is China. Reasons animal behaviors (fish jumping continues), previous major eq to the western in the higher mountain ranges (6.4) which does indicate building pressure plus MORE low pressure systems going over the areas in a ‘train.’ Expect equake event when the planet geometry is still alined and solar spots starting to be seen on NW side of sun. July 1 thru 4, 2020. Mag 6 plus earthquake. Its is a human impacted area.

    This area continues to have stress from massive rain/monsoon. Since the dams (specifically the Three Gorges Dam) have actually changed earths rotation (sightly..very slightly)..a sudden release of water from dam failure could destablize the area resulting in more quakes. This massive dam was built over a known fault area. Quakes are actually being caused to the S and East of the dam in the 4.7 levels; landslides are continuing in major gorge areas. In the next five days, from the 28th to the 4th of July over 18 inches of monsoon rains along with low pressure systems impact the containment area and impact the entire river basin systems. But it the high amount of rain in the containment areas that can cause quake impacts. Also, the planetary alinement of June 27th is still influencing for the next weeks.

    Score: 0
    6 pts
    June 28, 2020 at 1:27 pm #9126

    Blot echo in region..increases the possible potential, time maybe sooner than July 1, as more rains come in three days..the pressure from this massive flood event is likely going to be a major factor in this region, I am sorry to say. The entire basin from Himalaya range to the sea is impacted, the major food basket for China a huge population area.

    Score: 0
    6 pts
    June 28, 2020 at 2:11 pm #9127

    One other comment on review of earthquakes in this area. Almost ALL quakes, especally near 28 N, 104 W are observed to occur during the monsoon season..June thru August, and the numbers are increasing. Almost ALL near this point. This area must be sensitive to the increased water weight! Also, all quakes near this point..are between 10 to 20 KM in depth. So an area in that depth..is fragile. Dont know the geology of this area..but something someone researching should look at. With a blot echo to the south and west, things happening here.

    Score: 0
    6 pts
    July 1, 2020 at 1:07 pm #9165

    Fish on July 1st, jumping around area of the Earthquake box, Chongqing. This is also upriver of the Three Gorges Dam and the dam directly down stream, all discharging flood waters and really flooding down river cities. Yellow River Dam is also above flood stage and discharging. The rains started again, and will increases thru July 4th, with up to 11 inches in some areas. Just this pressure alone, if theory on impact of surface water on tectonic plates is correct, should see some activity. Note I made projection several days ago..based on EQ on eastern areas of the fault zone, low pressure/weather systems, and massive rain/flooding increasing surface water. I hope I am wrong.

    Score: 0
    6 pts
    July 2, 2020 at 10:14 am #9171

    4.6 eq in the box. It could be surface water does not stress faults in the same way blot echo water features do. But a couple more days to go.

    Score: 0
    6 pts
    July 2, 2020 at 10:22 am #9172

    https://lankaanews.com/archives/30715 Interesting comment on the fault area of Sichuan, China. And a predicted EQ on July 2.

    Score: 0
    115 pts
    July 2, 2020 at 8:54 pm #9180


    Example of the affects of rain fall in Myanmar… west of your forecast box !

    Score: 0
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