• 115 pts
    June 25, 2020 at 10:38 pm #9094

    On Thursday 25th June, the UK recorded the current warmest day of 2020, with temperatures reaching 33’C in Southern counties. I ventured out to do some work in my garden, but after 30 minutes, I retreated back to the cool confines of my workshop… far too hot for me. However, the day was not wasted as it gave me the excuse needed to continue with my current seismic projects… much to the displeasure of my wife. So, as per my methodology, I had noted several correlations with Puerto Rico during the past week. But don’t usually take much notice of Puerto Rico because current frequency of activity… it would be like trying to predict a bubble in a pan of boiling water. Mt Ebeko volcano in Kamchatka, had begun erupting again on 21st June, after being silent for 10 days. A solar eclipse occurred on 21st June, so I was contemplating a connection. My Sumba Island forecast in Indonesia had got quiet, after showing significant promise from the forecast start date. And I suspected something was going on in Japan, but couldn’t nail it down because correlations were occurring up and down the East coast. After doing some investigating, I decided to post my analysis in the chat room. My results seemed to be “strangely” significant, and I surprised myself because of the irony of what I found… therefore, didn’t want it buried in the forum pages. I can appreciate that the following analysis will be of little consequence to most people, but it may contribute to seismic science sometime in the future !

    On 29th May at 07:24 UTC, an M 1 class solar flare occurred of the suns Northeast limb. This is reputed to be the strongest solar flare to occur since 2017. I put the time and date in my model, but did not see anything of relevance. When I deducted “12 hours” to 19:24 UTC 28th May, I noted sunrise off the coast of Southern Honshu. I was noted because an M 6.6 event had recently occurred in Naze, Japan on 13th June. A little later, I was checking my ephemeris data which stated solar standstill had occurred between 01:22:41 UTC 19th June – 17:34:34 UTC 22nd June. This is the period when the sun remains on the same latitude relative to earth, during the solstice period… at 23’26’N on this annual occasion. At the latter time of 17:34:34 UTC 22nd June, the ATB threshold (Astronomical Twilight Begins) was located off the Southern coast of Honshu, Japan. Up to this point, I had regarded the solar flare time displacement correlation to be coincidental. But after the Solstice connection, I decided to check the T sequence for 29th May (threshold history) to see if other correlations occurred on this day !

    On 29th May at 02:33 UTC, the sun was located on longitude 141’07’E… at “12 hours” earlier 14:33 UTC 28th May, it was Moonset off the coast of southern Honshu, Japan. Combining these correlations calculated as coordinates 141’07’E – 35’14’N. At this point, I was already aware of the fact that on 24th June at 19:47:44 UTC, an M 5.9 event occurred in this region on coordinates 141’09’E – 35’27’N Southeast of Hasaki. Though my method is somewhat unusual, it was even difficult for me to accept a solar flare and the end of solar standstill could account for eventual occurrence of this event…. but the coordinates I calculated were a very close match !

    On 29th May at 09:43 UTC, it was Sunset off the coast of Southern Honshu on my stated coordinates. At “12 hours” earlier 21:43 UTC 28th May, the Moon was located on longitude 66’52’W Puerto Rico.

    On 29th May at 11:29 UTC, the ATE threshold (Astronomical Twilight Ends) was located on my stated coordinates. It was also Moonset on coordinates 167’26’E – 44’39’S, this would become epicentre location of the M 5.5 South Island New Zealand event of 24th June at 22:20:02 UTC… it was Sunrise on Sumba Island, Indonesia at this time !

    On 21st June at 09:54 UTC, it was Sunset on my stated coordinates, and Moonset on Mt Ebeko volcano in Kamchatka. Mt Ebeko had been inactive since 11th June. Not really a long time on volcanic scales, but eruptions are reputed to be “very” frequent from this volcano. And I regard it as one of my method indicators… it is noticeable when nothing is happening. Later this day at 22:01 UTC, Mt Ebeko volcano erupted. At “12 hours” earlier 10:01 UTC, the SLT (Setting Lunar Threshold) was located on my stated Honshu coordinates… Moonrise on Puerto Rico… Moonset on Sumba Island… and the SLT was located on Mt Ebeko volcano itself. If you go back 24 hours to 22:01 UTC 20th June, it was Moonrise on Sumba Island !

    On 22nd June at 20:26 UTC, Mt Ebeko volcano erupted again… At “12 hours” earlier 08:26 UTC, the ATB threshold was located on Puerto Rico. Mt Ebeko volcano has erupted a total of 5 times since 21st June, the remaining 3 eruptions are unrelated to this case, but do correlate to the South Sandwich Islands and Bougainville Island P.N.G.

    On 24th June at 09:54 UTC, it was Sunset on my stated coordinates South of Honshu…Sunset on Sumba Island, Indonesia…and Sunrise on Puerto Rico. At “12 hours earlier 21:54 UTC 23rd June, it was Moonrise on my stated coordinates South of Honshu, Japan !

    As I have stipulated before, I don’t know the science behind the 12 – 24 hour windows… this is just an observational hypothesis, aided with online tools and maps on a computer screen. As I finish this analysis, I have noted an M 6.4 event has occurred Southeast of Hotan, China at 21:05:18 UTC 25th June. At 24 hours earlier 21:05:18 UTC 24th June, the RLT (Rising Lunar Threshold) was located on Mt Ebeko volcano in Kamchatka !!

    Eruption of Ebeko on 24 June 2020 (image: Leonid Kotenko)

    Thank you




    Score: 0
    7 pts
    June 27, 2020 at 1:03 am #9114

    Hey Lester,

    As I read your overview, I was thinking that the 12 to 24 hour period is the time for some sort of energy transfer, and that the toys we are playing with have that range of time of transfer , plus whatever time to travel, so the time of your solar flare from sun to earth plus about 12 to 24 hours for energy transfer within our Global Electric Circuit. I am also going to speculate that the time needed to go from one medium to another within our GEC, is also about the same.

    as far as positioning of the moon and sun and the stuff we are using from http://www.timeanddate.com I am using the Astronomical Twilight as my endtime plus about 3 to 6 hours depending on what the Windy and OLR say to me, but I really like using that… the why… I imagine there is some gravity to the situation that I don’t know about, but in the Electric Universe im sure Ben would have a reason why we like the sun and moon locations.. I don’t know enough science in either to be able to articulate a why in either… yeah we have tides and so on but not much more than that, I just don’t have the flux… but I have the UBox Tong and the Rounding Hammer


    Score: 0
    115 pts
    June 27, 2020 at 4:50 pm #9115

    Hey Fred, thanks for your reply. I have been trying for over a decade to solve my 12 hour window conundrum. I have tried several times to engage with the scientific community on this matter. But I have never managed to get there interest in the basic structure of my hypothesis… let alone 12 hour windows. I was once categorised as “delusional” by the physics department at Manchester University, England… so I guess I got somebody’s attention 🙂

    I believe it is somehow related to magnetism, not gravity. Back in the day, I was pretty heavy into astronomy, and actually constructed a subterranean observatory at the bottom of my garden. Got a nice view down green valleys from my house, and didn’t want to spoil this with a white dome… so dug a deep hole and became a hobbit with a telescope. I went on to gain enough merits to qualify for a certificate of contempory science with the OU. And my passion for observing asteroids, led me to being part of a team that calculated orbital perturbations. Corrections were sent to a central hub in Kansas US. Anyone using self updating astronomy software during the mid to late 2000’s… some of the updated asteroid positions were attributed to me lol. A mental breakdown and minus a few brain cells later, it is mostly just memories now. However, one of my last projects I carried out, was experimentation with radio astronomy. I constructed an unusual antenna for solar monitoring, and after several months of operation, it started recording elevated spectrum levels in my software program. These would usually persist for periods of 1 hour 20 mins to 1 hour 50 mins etc… but only occurred 2 – 3 times per week on average. Science teaches you that in cases such as this, you have to eliminate the variables before coming to any conclusion. As I could not relate these anomalies to current solar activity, I always assumed it was some kind of man made interference. It wasn’t long after that I discovered an interesting coincidence with the ACE magnetic data. My recorded anomalies were similar to the ACE Phi data… kind of like horizontal rectangular format. Then I discovered that on several occasions, timings of my anomalies exactly matched the Phi structures in ACE. “Oh! I must be good” I thought… I have somehow tapped into the ACE satellite feed 🙂 .

    Obviously, I soon realised this was not the case, and further investigation eventually led me to earthquakes. Resulting from a serendipitous calculation, I correlated the period of these anomalies to the same period of time between ATB to sunrise, or sunset to ATE at specific latitudes on earth… several days later, significant earthquakes would occur on these latitudes. Therefore, I had stumbled on a method of precursory detection. It took several years to figure out how this was possible, and I concluded it was related to the design of my antenna. I had used metal-alloy rods to stabilise the antenna in strong winds, and these were acting like grounding rods… or electrodes. VLF traces in the spectral program were being distorted by magnetism interacting with the system.

    On the theme of magnetism… leading up to the last solar maximum, the anomalies started appearing more frequently. When a major event occurred, it would cause severe continuous distortions in my spectral recordings. The only way to correct this was to heat treat the feed plug at the antenna. It was a “magnetic” lock on the system… the only way to remove magnetism is heat !. My radio experiment eventually built up to 3 systems, 3 antennas connected to laptops running spectral software, and powered by 12 hour rechargeable batteries. During a 3 year period around solar maximum, I was getting through an average of 10 batteries a year. Not because they expired with use, but because occasional seismic feedback would accelerate power usage, and deplete the battery of energy within an hour… subsequently burning the unit out. At $300 per unit, you can appreciate that this was an expensive endeavour. I only have one operational system now, which as stated, is mostly due to expense. This was switched off in January this year, because I have discovered that during the period solar minimum… the anomalies cease to occur.

    When I first joined Quake Watch in 2017, I used these rectangular formatted anomalies to successfully predict several 6+ events… and subsequently appeared on Ben’s SO show in relation to these hits. Three years ago, the sun was still producing solar flares etc. This might be a bit of a drawn out explanation I have provided. But I hope it gives an insight into why I insist on perusing my threshold hypothesis. And why I believe “magnetism” plays a big part in the seismic process.

    In my San Francisco forecast, I recently posted a prediction for Mt Sakurajima volcano in Kyushu Japan. Prediction was for an erupt to occur within a 48 hour period of 01:00 UTC 22nd June. My reason was an aspect change had occurred in the ACE data, and I related this to the lunar for-glow (RLT) being located on this volcano at this time (another scientific mystery !). Prior to this forecast, Mt Sakurajima had not erupted since 10th June. On 23rd June at 20:35 UTC, Mt Sakurajima erupted, and this was within my stated 48 hour period. It has not erupted or exploded since, and I have not witnessed any significant threshold correlations since this eruption. Now, if you look at this from the perspective of the scientific community, I predicted a volcanic eruption… using Moonlight !. So, how long do you think it would be before they would consider my 12 hour window theory ?… see what I mean !

    I have been trying to pursue naturally occurring patterns related to threshold correlations with seismic locations, which indicate a process of self propagation. I can currently not relie on my observatory equipment, so I keep analysing and posting these patterns on sites like this one. This is difficult because I cannot provide maps and graphs to back up my theory… only give guidance to online tools. so I can appreciate that to most people, my determinations are just a jumble of words and numbers. But some day, I am hoping I will be rewarded for my efforts… but I hope its not posthumously, because time is getting short 🙂

    I have see a lot of different theories come and go during my seismic endeavour. We have been trying to solve this problem since the birth of modern seismology in 1906. And it amazes me how many of the old theories keep coming back in a revamped style, only to produce the same results… not seen anything to do with Moonlight though !!

    Fred…thank you for acknowledging my post.

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