• 115 pts
    June 26, 2021 at 10:31 pm #10696


    …. We are looking at magnetic field activity ….

    On Saturday 26th June, I watched the daily Suspicious Observers show, and was intrigued by an article Ben covered, relating to missing racing pigeons in the UK. Numbers vary depending on which media report you source, but apparently 10,000 racing pigeons were released from Peterborough, England on Saturday 19th June… and a week later, many of these are still missing. I have had a go at trying to explain several past whale beaching’s… but never pigeons. I do not pretend to know what happened to these birds on this occasion. But I can contribute what I know was happening in “Peterborough” on 19th June !!

    On Saturday 19th June between times 13:40 UTC – 14:03 UTC, the moon was located on the ATE threshold for the duration of this period. At “12-hours” earlier 01:40 UTC, the ATB threshold was located on Mt Etna volcano in Sicily, on coordinates 14’59’E – 37’45’N.

    At 00:55 UTC, it was moonset on Peterborough Cathedral, on coordinates 0’14’W – 52’34’N. At “12-hours” earlier 12:55 UTC 18th June, the SLT (Setting Lunar Threshold) was located on coordinates 173’07’E – 16’19’S.

    At 03:37 UTC, it was sunrise on Peterborough Cathedral, and also sunrise on Mt Etna volcano. An Eruptive event occurred from Mt Etna volcano on this day at 18:20 UTC.

    At 11:59:05 UTC, an M 5.7 event occurred in the Fiji Region on coordinates 173’07’E – 16’19’S. The sun was located on longitude 0’35’E at this time… this calculates as 55 km’s (34 miles) East of Peterborough !


    This data may, or may not contribute towards this incident, but I have included the web tools I used, for verification… because I am not prone to “flights of fancy”… 🙂

    Thank you

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