• 11 pts
    July 23, 2017 at 4:06 am #2217

    Hook…whoa dude! I can’t stop rereading your recent post!

    Hook and Lester…And, the recent blot in Japan (Hachijo-jima) at 0929 is connected to recent solar noon in Mauritius (if I did this right this time) the dawn/dusk lines includes 4+ pops in Iran, Azerbaijan, Near Biha Indonesia, and the recent uptick in the British Virgin Islands.

    Wow ๐Ÿ™‚

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    July 23, 2017 at 11:22 am #2219


    The migration pattern shows that an event occurring in Japan will have a following reaction in the Southwest Pacific region of Vanuatu etc… is this always how the pattern works in a 12 month period ?. I ask because Japan is currently in it’s summer season, due to the angle of the Earth in relation to it’s orbital position to the sun… so it is receiving more energy. Vanuatu is in it’s winter season… therefore less energy. I am inclined to agree with solar flux transfer at this time of year, but when you consider that most activity related to the New Zealand region occurs during it’s summer period… it seems to relate to which hemisphere is incident to the sun!

    Whilst I was in the process of analysing data for my Costa Rica forecast, I found a correlation that I omitted from the sequence because it pertains to both our methods… and I am trying to work out why it is so…

    Sunset in Costa Rica (on posted co-ordinates) on the 17th occurred at 23:58 UTC… same day as the 7.7 Nikol’Skoye event. At the same time, it was Dusk (23:58 UTC) 57 km’s SSW of Talavera, Peru (4.3 epicentre, July 20), and Solar Noon (23:58 UTC) 135 km’s ENE of Ndoi Island, Fiji (4.6 epicentre, July 21). Inter-relations may be closer than we imagined… any thoughts?

    The first map time shows that it was Dawn on a large expanse of the Southeast Asia region at 20:17 UTC. The second map time shows that 1 hour, 15 minutes later at 21:32 UTC, it was sunrise over much of the same region. Unfortunately, with this minimal data, Dawn/Sunrise at 20:17/21:32 UTC encompasses a terminator correlation extending from Mindanao, South Philippines to as far South as Palau Jamdena Island in the Southeast Banda Sea region… approx 1,950 km’s or 1,200 miles. However, you have in effect got one part of the cross you need to pin point a location. If you continue to monitor the ACE data (particularly the mag monitor) for aspect changes, related to Sunset/Dusk transiting this region, you might find where X eventually marks the spot. If this relates to Banda Sea, Sunset/Dusk is currently around 09:24 – 10:38 UTC. This might be the middle of the night for you, so if I see anything I’ll post the time and you can do the math!… remember, any changes in the mag monitor, deduct 8 minutes from the time shown. I should add, New moon influences “may” cancel out any transit connections for the next couple of days… whilst it is busy working on other regions ๐Ÿ™‚

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    July 23, 2017 at 12:58 pm #2220

    A little more…

    2017-07-22 23:13:36 UTC M 4.8 16 km’s NW of Fuyu, China … Sunrise 20:17 UTC, July 22

    2017-07-23 06:53:19 UTC M 4.3 24 km’s NE of Tobelo, Indonesia … Dawn 20:17 UTC July 22

    Small compression in Bt – Bx, traces (mag) at 10:05 UTC, -8 LS = 09:57 UTC
    Sharp rise/fall in plasma density at 11:22 UTC, -8 LS = 11:14 UTC

    Here is an X, but at this point I don’t think it will amount to more than a 4+ without further data.

    Dawn 20:17 UTC … Sunrise 21:32 UTC … Sunset 09:57 UTC … Dusk 11:14 UTC = 125.425’E – 7.155’N, Davao, Philippines.

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    July 23, 2017 at 7:43 pm #2227

    An event in Indonesia this morning gave me a match that is somewhat less common, a double hit on the same target location…

    2017-07-23 07:55:55 UTC M 5.5 Tinabogan, Indonesia … 120.200’E – 0.294’N

    Sunset on 120.200’E – 0.294’N Tinabogan … 10:09 UTC, July 23
    Dawn on 83.850’W – 9.610’N Costa Rica … 10:09 UTC, July 23

    Dusk on ,,,,,,,, – ,,,,,,, Tinabogan … 11:24 UTC, July 23
    Sunrise on ,,,,,,, – ,,,,,,, Costa Rica … 11:24 UTC, July 23

    Another structure has been recorded on the ACE EPAMp monitor, this one is different to the one recorded yesterday because it is a refraction signature on the opposite longitude to the sun’s position… or a butterfly effect if you will. Increase and termination does not matter in this case, the centre point at 17:45 UTC is what counts.

    17:45 UTC -8 LS = 17:37 UTC, the sun is on positional longitude 82.616’W (a close match to Costa Rica above). The opposite longitude to this position is 97.365’E… Hpasawng, Burma is located on longitude 97.286’E, it is also Solar noon in Hpasawng, Burma at 05:37 UTC, July 23 !!

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    July 23, 2017 at 7:52 pm #2229

    Lester, Just giving you a heads up with the Costs Rica forecast I made…

    I was watching some recent quakes that looked like they were in the regions you had discussed with Costa Rica as the target. Took a risk to identity two particular areas based on a few major events in the past, and the ophiolite in the region.

    Environmental factors that are apparent in the short term are low pressure convergence that appears over the course of the week, and the unanswered blot in Guatemala.

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    July 23, 2017 at 9:33 pm #2230

    Have you noted the reaction spike in the Ace mag data at 18:00 UTC, the moon is on 83.960’W “Costa Rica”. It is Sunset in FYR of Macedonia (epicentre of all the recent action there), and it is 1 minute past Dawn at Vale Trough, Vanuatu.

    Glad you could join me Counselor… I was getting lonely ๐Ÿ™‚

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    July 24, 2017 at 5:49 am #2235

    Yes! Ok…it also looked like a small spike around 2300 UTC for ACE, Magnetotometer, X-ray , and electron flux… Bougainville had a blot at 2326 UTC (M4.8 at 169 KM deep)! Didn’t we just talk about that being #1 in a previous list?

    BTW… topolobampo Mexico had an M4.2 (0136 UTC) at 10 km deep which, I think, is within range to where the sun appears overhead with Bougainville’s dawn time. How is that looking to you? Lester? Hook?

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    July 24, 2017 at 11:07 am #2239

    “is this always how the pattern works in a 12 month period ?” I do not know as of yet. I have been attempting to keep a rough record when I notice a potential pairing here in the chat room, just to see where it would go and if it would end up being useful in some way to ..

    “I am inclined to agree with solar flux transfer at this time of year,” solar flux transfer events favor Earth’s winter pole. But, you may have misunderstood, I was just thinking how these regions would share a connection. I was just thinking, like FTE’s are explained as a temporary direct connection between Earth and Sun via open an field line originating from a coronal holes, with high energy protons reaching Earth at ‘the speed of light’ and is not fully understood. The transferring of energy from Sun to Earth through a flux tube that is formednear Earths, and connects to Earth temporarily as it roles over the Winter pole. ‘

    For awhile now, I have been noticing potential evidence of magnetic field lines crossing through and over the magnetic equator with footpoints in variety of locations, [+ and -]. In this particular capture, the potential flux tube [the footpoints piercing through the ionosphere, causing plasma irregularities,] hugs the magnetic equator. May in part be a/the source that leaves plasma bubbles in its wake after the temporary connection shifts. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B83EkoitOiKQc0N4b2xtLUhuLVk/view?usp=sharing
    Plasma bubbles01: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B83EkoitOiKQbTg2dC1mYzRHWUk/view?usp=sharing
    Plasma bubbles02: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B83EkoitOiKQQ09TYWwzR1pqaEE/view?usp=sharing

    And then, my observations were confirmed:
    Australian Student Confirms That Giant Plasma Tubes Are Floating Above Earth:

    “Sunset in Costa Rica (on posted co-ordinates) on the 17th occurred at 23:58 UTCโ€ฆ same day as the 7.7 Nikolโ€™Skoye event. At the same time, it was Dusk (23:58 UTC) 57 kmโ€™s SSW of Talavera, Peru (4.3 epicentre, July 20), and Solar Noon (23:58 UTC) 135 kmโ€™s ENE of Ndoi Island, Fiji (4.6 epicentre, July 21). Inter-relations may be closer than we imaginedโ€ฆ any thoughts?”
    Our magnetic field reacts to direct solar wind
    by compressing, etc: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B83EkoitOiKQWVQyaHBVRksxdFE/view?usp=sharing
    It is my understanding a rolling to the back while being replaced action both to the East and West [while being replaced] of the flux tubes occurs, I propose these, I will dub them ‘subsets’ react in a similar manner.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by HookEcho.
    Score: 0
    115 pts
    July 24, 2017 at 11:05 pm #2244

    You are correct… Bougainville #1 ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’m afraid you are slightly off with Topolobampo (Gulf of Mexico) relating to Bougainville, however, I did some working out on the Gulf of California location today and found a few interesting correlations for you to check out on the T&D maps…

    If you open two tabs with a T&D map in each, input July 4, 19:25 UTC in one, and July 23, 19:25 UTC in the other map. Make sure the maps are at the same level on your screen, by placing a small mark next to Fiji with a felt tip pen (It doesn’t damage the screen, and easy to remove later). If you flick between the two maps, you will notice how the Sunrise terminator threshold pivots on San Cristobal Trench, South Solomon’s as it changes angle. Also on the first map (19:25 UTC, July 4), As mentioned it is Sunrise on San Cristobal Trench (5.4 epicentre, July 4)… Dusk on Crete, Greece (5.3 epicentre, July 7)… Dusk on Kos Turkey (6.7 epicentre, July 20) and the positional longitude of the sun on this day was 110.07’W

    On the second map (19:25 UTC, July 23) it is again Sunrise on San Cristobal Trench… Sunrise Off East Coast of Honshu, Japan (5.6 epicentre, July 23)… Dusk on Les’vos Basin, Western Turkey (6.3 epicentre, June 12) and the positional longitude of the sun at this time yesterday was 109.37’W… same longitude as the Gulf of California events today.

    Again on the second map, change the time to 11:15 UTC (July 23). If you recall, I gave an address on a structure recorded on the ACE EPAMp monitor on the 22nd. With a follow up on the 23rd, and determined a possible seismic location as 125.425’E – 7.155’N Davao, Philippines. If you look on the map, it is Dusk on the stated co-ordinates in Davao Philippines, and Dawn on 109.37’W – 24.56’N Gulf of California!! … another structure appeared this morning, I have not finished my analysis yet but it is related to Davao, and “will” surpass the 4+ I stated yesterday.

    I believe the ten 4+ events in the Gulf of California to be a little unprecedented, and may be linked to producing a solar footprint. If you input 00:27:20 UTC,July 24 on the map, you will see that the sun is on longitude 174.48’E. The time stated relates to the first event, a 4.4 which occurred exactly an hour after the 4.8 in Bougainville ( ๐Ÿ™‚ ). I have already been working on other indications that something may be developing on 174.48’E – 41.46’S Cook Strait, NZ, and this gives some conformation in that respect!. But I believe the big show here will be between December 18 – 21. New Moon occurs on the 18th at 06:18 UTC… and it is summer solstice in the Southern hemisphere on the 21st. For these 3 days at 10:08 UTC, it will be Solar Noon on Kos,Turkey (6.7 epicentre) and Dusk on 174.48’E Cook Strait… after this the angle changes!

    Two days ago, I was concerned that I may have put a cat amongst the pigeon’s, today my concern’s were wavered. In respect, I have tried to heed advice and cut down on some of the more mundane stuff… but this might not always be the case ๐Ÿ™‚

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    July 24, 2017 at 11:23 pm #2245

    A little trivia I forgot to include…

    Dawn on San Cristobal Trench (5.4 epicentre, July 4) … 18:09 UTC, July 10
    Dawn on 136.100’E – 33.540’N Southern Honshu, Japan … 18:09 UTC, July 10
    Dawn on 174.48’E – 41.46’S Cook Strait, New Zealand … 18:09 UTC, July 10
    Solar Noon on 90.87’W – 13.83’N Guatemala (6.8 epicentre, June 22) … 18:09 UTC, July 10

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    11 pts
    July 25, 2017 at 1:43 pm #2249

    Wait a second…Are you calling me a pigeon? I have always been partial to owls and falcons personally ๐Ÿ™‚

    Be careful Lester, or hook will yadda yadda call you like an Afghan herdsman again you old goat ๐Ÿ™‚

    If this is what you meant then…Sorry… I am going to take a moment to say that I get where you are coming from. Don’t forget how you and I started chatting on this board too! If you need take a moment to focus on other things for a day, or two, I would understand, nor would anybody else fault you for in this forum.

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    July 25, 2017 at 5:12 pm #2251

    Goats and pigeon’s… all we need now is a Donkey and we could start our own country fair ๐Ÿ™‚

    It was not aimed at you Counselor, I stumbled onto something that may or may not have been detrimental to someone else. I felt I should not have posted until I had analysed it sufficiently. We all put a lot of effort into what we do… it was my way of apologising!

    Owls are suppose to be wise aren’t they ?… I’ll remind you of that next time you make a mistake ๐Ÿ™‚

    Score: 0
    37 pts
    July 25, 2017 at 9:39 pm #2253

    Lester your method reminds me of a book, David Nabhan’s โ€œEarthquake Prediction: Answers in Plain Slightโ€

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    July 25, 2017 at 11:38 pm #2255

    Hook, thank you for the info… I just found his book on Amazon for “$200” !!

    I also found a couple of clips on YouTube, he seems to deal with tidal theories… is he worth the money ?

    Score: 0
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    July 26, 2017 at 3:31 am #2260

    it is a book that basically explains what you do already,or at least a close version of your method. I thought perhaps you have already have had read or own his book ๐Ÿ™‚
    He claims Moon and Solar tides are the mechanism that triggers earthquakes. While these factors have an influence, it isn’t a universal answer.

    Take a number. Double it. Add 9. Subtract 3. Divide by 2. Subtract your original number. Your answer should be 3.

    I have been busy searching through papers focusing on potential pre seismic signals and trying to find accessible data for us to use and add to our toolbox. But, if it does have merit and isn’t just a play with numbers, during those key times solar and atmospheric changes are occurring. rising and falling solar EUV radiation affects oscillations in thermospheric density,and is coupling with the ionosphere, which changes in height, total electron content are occurring as well along with the shifts being initiated by the thermosphere. But I do not feel up to writing an essay on how atmospheric processes ties into plasma physics and Thermodynamics in response, I will just state “Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling System.” and call it good for tonight ๐Ÿ™‚
    ps this is alot of info to take in all at once, esp. anyone following my posts. Lets move on and continue to help one another and tr to remain positive.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by HookEcho.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by HookEcho.
    Score: 0
    37 pts
    July 26, 2017 at 3:58 am #2261

    Check out this earthquake chain that developed within the last 24 hrs in the Japan region:

    You all should know what I am referencing, if not:

    Earthquake 'Chains'

    This may load quicker, it did for me. Same as above.
    Alternate Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B83EkoitOiKQOThxaTg3R05ydHM/view?usp=sharing

    I take time to track these papers down and post for you all, no comments or discussion on any of these posts gives me the feeling that they are serving no purpose and I am wasting my time. I hope this is not the case.

    I will be creating some posts very soon that will be of value for those who are serious about what we do here and will provide us with the knowledge to move forward.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by HookEcho.
    Score: 0
    11 pts
    July 26, 2017 at 6:11 am #2265


    Definitely not a waste. Thanks for reposting the earthquake chains paper. I read this when you posted it before. I also tried applying it in a few images in a So Cal only post I made once before. For those who have been following these posts, the earthquake chains is worth the read.

    And, I can’t be the only lay person in here. Share out what you know, and/or how you are using “it”.

    Score: 0
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    July 26, 2017 at 4:25 pm #2267

    I have decided to follow the Councselor’s advice and take a little time out… get some sea air for a few days and feed the seagulls ๐Ÿ™‚ It inevitably always happens with any group I have had association with that we end up reaching a crossroads. Weather I lay my hypothesis in total on the table, or try and drip feed the information over a period… it always causes disillusionment or discontent. Here’s a hypothetical scenario, that I have unfortunately played out in reality…

    Here we have Bill, a volcanologist and the top man in his field… and Ted his understudy, who is aspiring to reach Bill’s level. Ted is a competent man for the subject, but still needs to learn a few tricks of the trade. One problem they both have is trying to find the key to determining the day of eruption. They are both assigned a volcano each to monitor for research purposes, then in this version of the scenario the inevitable happens… Ted discovers the key they have both been searching for!. The problem is, the key fits with Bill’s volcano, and eruption will occur within 24 hours. Ted decides he will keep this information to himself, after all, it means status, accreditation, even the Nobel perhaps… 24 hours later, 1,000 people die!!

    In another version, Ted tries to warn Bill about the inevitable eruption, pleading for him to check out the data. But Bill is the top man in his game, he may or may not believe Ted, But he does not want to chance the embarrassment of loosing his status to an understudy, so chooses to ignore him… 24 hours later, 1,000 people die !!

    I did not just wake up one morning, and discover I could correlate seismic signatures in satellite data with earthquakes… I first discovered them terrestrially during a communications analysis of an interferometry system . On advice I received at the time, I hung on to my own “key” because it was one of Earth’s last secrets, and feared the idea may be stolen. After all, it could mean status, accreditation… even the Nobel!! I continued researching its potential for several years, then one day I watched the devastation of an earthquake in China on TV… thousands died and it affected me because naively, I felt I may have contributed to their deaths !

    This changed my way of thinking and I disclosed it to anyone who would listen… but predicting earthquakes is impossible is it not?. I have run the gauntlet of; law of averages, laws of probability, to many variables, chance, fluke, coincidence… nobody is interested because it has already been decreed impossible. I gave up the fight after the 7.8 in Nepal in 2015. I bombarded the BGS in Edinburgh with emails and recorded delivery’s of data packages, two weeks prior to this event… and was totally ignored. On April 25, I again ended up in front of the TV sobbing … as I watched 1,000 people die !!

    I do not hold blame with the seismologists at the BGS, they receive a hundred predictions a month from people with mystical powers, Jesus re-incarnated, people seeing shapes of the west Coast in their cereal bowl etc… why should I be treated any differently?

    Lets discuss an event that has occurred today, related to my method… several days ago, I gave address to a Solar noon signature related to the 5.9 Mauritius event on the 19th. I correlated Bougainville P.N.G. with this event, and have been bantering about it with Counselor Gimber ever since. Law of probability states in this case, that of the 3,600 minutes in a 24 hour day, a 2 minute Sunset window hitting the same location 7 days later, and being the only notable signature, would put the odds at 3,598/1 of this occurring… unless the signature was genuine!. Yet here we are ,7 days later and the only contact spike (bar re-initialisation) occurred in the ACE EPAMp monitor at 07:50 UTC, -8 LS = 07:42 UTC… it is Sunset on Bougainville at 07:42 UTC. It is also Dusk on Isangel Island,Vanuatu, and Dawn in the South Sandwich Islands. Now I do not know the science behind the EPAMp data, but there are three spikes, on three different energy levels… and three locations!. I want to know why this is so… and you are our resident scientist on this site! They are all correlated by limb contact, when they either rotate in or out of line of sight of the sun. Solar wind influences are global weather it is day or night, only half the Earth is in daylight at any one time… the common denominator is spectral, not magnetic!

    Sorry about the story, I am feeling uncomfortable and contemplating the reasons why I joined here… if you had this “key” what would you do?

    I printed your posts off to take with me… back in a few days

    Score: 0
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    July 26, 2017 at 7:12 pm #2269

    I must amend this before I go… 1440 Minutes in 24 hours

    Where is my owl when I need him ๐Ÿ™‚

    Score: 0
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    July 26, 2017 at 8:59 pm #2270

    Hey Lester, if you happen to read this before you go…first, apologies in my poor math skills. I would have corrected you if I could. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Second, I would share my “key”. That is why I am here. There are people trying to share what they know. With the various websites that have closed public access, I believe that means we are getting close/noticed. As we continue to keep this positive, and progressing, this is the paradigm shift that has needed to happen in this field. People like me, as a layperson, are the corrobation of that with successes (and our failures too!).

    You take your time, but hurry back now.

    Score: 0
    37 pts
    July 27, 2017 at 10:21 am #2274

    Solar flare injection and propagation of low-energy protons
    If we ever see another Earth directed CME, low energy protons will begin to rise before CME arrival.

    *Low-energy particle events associated with sector boundaries*
    Onsets of some 40 to 45 low-energy proton events during the years 1957โ€“1969 coincided in time with transits of well-defined sector boundaries across the Earth. These events can be interpreted as long-lived proton streams filling up some of the magnetic sectors, indicating an acceleration of protons which is not associated with typical proton-producing flares. The sharp onsets of these particle streams, as well as a deficiency of flare-associated particle events shortly before the boundary transit, indicate that in some cases magnetic sector boundaries can inhibit transverse propagation of low-energy particles in the solar corona or in interplanetary space.

    Corotating Interaction Regions [CIR’s] that arrive around a day or less before high speed solar wind,also contain low energy protons that are being accelerated, and taking in account the reverse shock, CIR’s are basically another version of a sector boundary with some variations.

    Score: 0
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    July 27, 2017 at 11:35 pm #2280

    Hook / Counselor

    Baikovo Island, Kamchatcka Peninsula … 156.460’E – 50.620′ N
    Port Vila, Vanuatu ………………… 168.800’E – 17.810′ S
    South Sandwich Islands …………….. 28.080’W – 56.800’S

    They are all tied in with 5.9 North Atlantic Ocean.
    If you believe my method has merit… do something with these!

    Promised my wife no shop talk ๐Ÿ™‚ … explain on Sunday.

    Score: 0
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    July 28, 2017 at 4:44 am #2282

    I have made note of your method, and will integrate it and use when I am done experimenting on how and where it would fit in best. Speaking of which…the yo read the post in regards to the M5.9 North Atlantic event? When the magnetometers spiked, the Sun so was very close to the epicenter. And When the Ground Magnetic perturbations recorded At The Poles, the Moon had taken the Suns spot [with a slight variance] and depleted the ionosphere of electrons in the immediate area. Solar and moon tides very likely played a role. perhaps the solar tidal effect was enough to stir up our ‘electric ocean’ and was responsible for the initial magnetometer to spike from the generated Magnetic perturbations, and with the Moon coming up right behind with its own tidal effect crossing nearly over the same exact spot, with the result of the one -two punch triggered the quake. Yeah, I had fun today. I should write up a short, simple paper on the event and submit it for publication. It would be my first peer reviewed paper on my own, not that would be the first my name appeared in..but as the man author. I also have gathered enough examples of ionospheric TEC anomalies appearing before an event as well. Which reminds me, I have located a bunch of global and regional TEC maps for you all to utilize. I will try and get those up soon along with some other tools I have located. ps it is the [Claude] Blot [Hook] Echo wind map. He use the short term transmigration method I developed different, we have discussed before and have some slightly different perspectives. Both versions get hits, and to be honest, that long earthquake lull thew me off abit, but I believe I am nearly over it and very close to being back on track.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by HookEcho.
    Score: 0
    11 pts
    July 28, 2017 at 1:37 pm #2284

    Electric oceans huh?

    Check out this ocean salinity map, this is where my theorizing took me from the theme of the post below:


    I have been doing my best to line up this image, with your plasma bands image too!

    JULY 11, 2017 AT 6:51 AM (from if it’s not in a book) …

    This next bit is my theorizing after those ionospheric anomaly images you shared:

    Your other images connected to the ionospheric anomalies had me looking at F2 frequency map thinking about resonance. I was reading that telluric currents oscillate at very low frequencies ( as low as 3 MHz, but even around ranges that powergrids will operate around 50 โ€“ 60 MHz). Those high amperage static discharge measurements of 100,000 AMPS for M6, to 1 million for M7, make sense to me if we are looking at this rock to air interface as something similar to a tesla coil. Earth, and the energy that is generated in the mantle, has the crust acting a high resistance interface. The crust has areas of exposed rock formations that used to be part of the mantle (ophiolite/peridotite) which could, when exposed to electric currents, or shifting magnetic fields, begin to build up a static charge. The energy is transferred as the frequency of these interfaces begin to resonate at or around the same frequency. The quakes would be the kinetic response to the charges being nuetralized/as they are neutralizing. This would still occur under the earths oceans in the same manner because of the very low frequencies being able to pass through water.

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    July 28, 2017 at 1:44 pm #2285

    Not to forget… the ocean is layered vertically into a surface layer, an intermediate layer, and then colder denser layer. The layers are more stratified at the equator, but the ocean water more common at the deeper levels at the equator are exposed at the poles.


    And, Lester, that is not to mention the different level for light at each depth.

    My small bit of insight that you too helped me reach that I am looking into for my own forecasting. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Last add, and then I will stop going doing the rabbit hole… I know the ocean salinity map and the plasma bands don’t exactly line up. But, they are charged and they are separated (capacitance mechanism?).

    Even if I am wrong, this has been fun to theorize with you guys… ok… back to work, and forecasting ๐Ÿ™‚

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Counselor.
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