• 11 pts
    July 31, 2017 at 2:58 pm #2334

    Hook, thanks for the San Andreas share…just started reading it. Cool stuff and oddly makes sense to why I kept thinking I was seeing things every other week or so. I picked up from your earthquake chains paper that it is considered a weak fault, but this adds another dimension. And, forgot to mention in the reference to images you shared from a recent post, it was the one that looks like a an atmospheric look at a magnetic signature centered over a big quake.

    Lester, I will keep that date in mind. I just started a google photos album to track what 4 and 5 quakes I am thinking are related to kuril 5.7 now. I think it’s elephants that have the better memory, but the elephant in the room is going to be how well I can keep now.

    Thank you Hook and Lester!

    Score: 0
    115 pts
    July 31, 2017 at 4:19 pm #2335

    M 5.7 Kuril Islands, 09:00:48 UTC, July 30

    Dawn 16:24 UTC
    Sunrise 18:37 UTC … Dawn on Bougainville #1 🙂
    Sunset 09:30 UTC
    Dusk 11:43 UTC
    Solar Noon 02:04 UTC … Sunrise on 5.9 Mauritius (July 19) … Sunset on 109’W Gulf of CA

    Input these times in your map, and list the usual suspects.

    Hope this helps!

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    July 31, 2017 at 9:44 pm #2337

    B 9.2 flux event at 09:13 UTC, South Sandwich in the T belts

    Satellite mag feed terminates at 19:19 UTC, -8 LS = 19:11 UTC
    South Sandwich in the T belts … Sunrise on Vale Trough, Vanuatu

    Compression in Tromso Data at 20:48 UTC, -8 LS = 20:40 UTC
    Positional longitude of the moon on 28.33’W (Sandwich!)

    Solar wind from Coronal hole almost upon us

    AR2665 coming into view on the sun’s East limb

    Sounds like a recipe for a 6+ too me!

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    37 pts
    August 1, 2017 at 12:34 am #2339

    The majority of the higher magnitude seismic events I have reviewed thus far, what they have in common is Sun/Moon combinations, I would like to come up with an average of the hours apart from one another would have the most influence, but it may vary by region/season, etc. Does that make sense? Let me know and I can rephrase the sentence.

    I am currently working on an example to share of radio emission detection prior to today’s M5.3 – 91km SSE of Palaiochora, Greece 2017-07-31 21:29:11 UTC at a depth of 16.6 km, using stations that are located around Italy.
    With no lightning interference and kp index at a low during the time frame those sources can be eliminated.
    While I work on that, some reading for ya’ all:
    Unusual Sunset Terminator behaviour of VLF signals at 17KHz during the Earthquake episode of Dec, 2004:

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    August 1, 2017 at 6:22 pm #2347

    It is always a good thing to review solar/lunar distances and positions, related to seismic activity through fresh eyes. But my argument is, they have been doing this for five decades, with the worlds best minds and limitless resources… they haven’t found anything! My own hypothesis is based on self-propagation…

    2017-07-02 09:58:50 UTC, M 5.8 Kermadec Islands region …176.40’W – 27.47’S

    2017-07-06 06:30:16 UTC, M 5.8 Western Montana … 112.42’W – 46.98’N
    ( Dusk on 176.40’W – 27.47’S Kermadec Island region … 06:30 UTC, July 6, etc,etc

    I have not been able to match solar/lunar positions to this, only the 1 minute terminator band that connects these two locations, 4 days apart!. You have a brilliant mind, you need to look were nobody has looked before, weather it is in the Earth or above it… don’t follow the has been’s !

    Thanks to Hook for coming through for us “again”, I have been working the recent data he posted (Anomalies and M 5.3 Greece) and found another potential piece of the puzzle. I printed off the image from the Romanga observation station Italy, enlarged it and segmented the time bands. A continuous magnetic pulsation at 3.9 Hz, started at 18:38 UTC, July 31, it connects with the up coming solar eclipse on August 21.

    You recall I asked that you keep record of the drop in the EPAMp data at 17:00 UTC on the 30th, if you follow my description on your map, you will better understand the correlation.

    If we start at 17:00 UTC -8 LS = 16:52 UTC July 30, at 16:52 UTC you will see that it is sunrise on Nikol’Skoye (7.7 epicentre) and sunset on Central Turkey (draw a small felt pen line along the sunset border through Central Turkey). If we then move to 18:38 UTC, July 31 (Signal day), it is sunrise on the 5.7 Kuril Islands epicentre (July 30), Dawn on the 5.1 Bougainville ( #1 🙂 ) epicentre (August 1) and Dusk on the line in Central Turkey. We again have a parallel T connection between Kuril islands and Bougainville!

    Moving forward to August 21 (eclipse day), open two tabs with the T&D maps, input July 30 16:52 UTC in the first map, and August 21 16:24 UTC in the second. You may recall a few weeks ago, we did this with San Cristobal Trench, South Solomon’s, the maps demonstrated how the terminator angle pivoted on said location. This is not the same behavioural effect, but if you flick between the two maps, you will see how the rest of the terminator seems to pivot on Turkey

    On the August 21 16:24 UTC map, dawn a small line around the outer penumbra border where it crosses through Sonora, Mexico. then input 18:04 UTC for the same day. You will see it is Dusk in Central Turkey, and Dawn on the pivot point on San Cristobal Trench, South Solomon’s. If you further draw another line along the outer umbra border in Sonora, you will have a cross and a potential target!

    I have predicted earthquakes using this method before, so it is familiar territory to me, I believe something will happen in Central Turkey in the near future… for sure. But until more data becomes available, Sonora, Mexico is still speculative.

    You may note that the eclipse terminator border is on Costa Rica, my re-calculation suggests there is a good combo here on the 25th… but that’s for another day 🙂

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    August 1, 2017 at 6:29 pm #2348

    Sorry Counselor, I spelt your name wrong, might use Owl next time… easier to type 🙂

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    August 2, 2017 at 9:04 am #2358

    Following your advice, resent posts have been under this thread title… “If it’s not in a book” has not been used for two weeks!

    Score: 0
    11 pts
    August 2, 2017 at 3:13 pm #2359

    Now I am curious about the bodrum Turkey quake…? (Still looking at Costa Rica and a few others)

    Had Sun over Bristol Bay, Hawaii, and Louis Ville Ridge (travels SSW to southwest pacific basin fracture zones)

    Moon over Nikol skoye, Vanuatu/south Solomon Islands, Auckland Islands NZ and Balleny Islands region(epicenter of M6.6 on July 11, 0700 UTC; Balleny Islands region, M5 7/24 at 1550 UTC), moon approaches Bougainville island.

    Sunrise over British Virgin Islands (4.7’s on the 17th and 22) Peru (catamana July 18, M6.4) Bolivia, Argentina (several blots in Los Cobres), Chile (several blots in Antofagasta) and near Vik Iceland (M4.5 epicenter on 7/26 at 2218 UTC)

    Dawn over Belem Brazil, Epicenter of M5.9 North Atlantic region (7/27 1753 UTC), epicenter of M4 blot in Romania (8/02 at 0232 UTC) close to the dawn line passing through Ukraine, Tajikistan, Indonesia, west India Antarctic ridge.

    Next new moon is around time of coming eclipse which is about month from last new moon two days after Turkey event.

    If you at where the lows were that day of Bodrum, there was a large low pressure region sitting over Turkey with the strongest regions near central and eastern turkey. I am only mentioning this because of the idea that the lows are destabilized points in our atmosphere that collects energy? If there were fluxes around the Bodrum quake with this low sitting over it, the. It would have received quite the influx/ or dealt with a major equalizing of energies that day?:


    If we are also looking at this pulsation, at 3.7Hz, would this create a resonance point in our lithosphere for the oscillations that could potentially be lining up here with an eclipse, new moon, and whatever other energy that could be present as that day approaches.

    Forgive some of these photos not being fully organized yet, (and again this my start to comprehending your method Lester, and I think your last post has helped me understand the cross now…still work to do) but many of my screen shots for moon/sun dawn/dusk are sharing the points we’ve been discussing for some weeks now:



    Hopefully this is helpful to corroborate something happening in Turkey as a person just tying to follow along. Please be gentle with the albums I shared 🙂 I am hoping to still show how a person not ad adept in either of your skills sets can apply the basics to yours and Hooks efforts.

    BTW…notes for corrections welcome 🙂

    Oh, last note…watching that pivot point at Turkey is giving me the creeps now!

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Counselor.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Counselor.
    Score: 0
    115 pts
    August 2, 2017 at 6:20 pm #2362

    I felt the same way too… anybody returning from Turkey after the 21st, might be sporting a diagonal sun tan 🙂

    I must mention how impressed I am with your photo albums, I have not tried this myself because I am use to working with numbers. I didn’t realise the impact it could have in describing T zone connections in this manner… you do have a skill set Counselor 🙂

    I have been working the Sonora / Turkey connection today, and found some data and correlations that help towards that goal. Firstly, I have narrowed down the location range to preliminary co-ordinates; 109.020’W – 29.980’N Sonora, Mexico … 35.475’E – 38.810’N Kayseri, Central Turkey. Second, a structure appeared in the ACE EPAMp data today (Aug 2), peaking at 11:15 UTC, -8 LS = 11:07 UTC. It was Dawn on the stated co-ordinates in Sonora at 11:07 UTC… first piece of hard data!. This location is slightly off the cross on the map, but the map has to compensate for a 3 dimensional globe in 2 dimensional format… or I missed a decimal point somewhere !

    A couple of future correlations…

    Dawn on 109.020’W – 29.980’N Sonora, Mexico … 11:14 UTC, Aug 9
    Dusk on 141.51’E – 37.43’N Near Coast of Honshu, Japan (5.8 epicentre, July 20) … 11:14 UTC, Aug 9
    Dusk on 122.05’E – 0.45’N Sulawesi, Indonesia (5.9 epicentre, July 15) … 11:14 UTC, Aug 9
    Sunrise on 68.69’W – 28.60’S La Rioja, Argentina (5.6 epicentre, Aug 1) … 11:14 UTC, Aug 9
    Sunrise on 73.66’W – 16.39’S Near Coast of Southern Peru (6.4 epicentre, July 18) … 11:14 UTC, Aug 9
    Sunset on 101.51’E – 5.59’S Southwest of Sumatra (5.5 epicentre, July 25) … 11:14 UTC, Aug 9

    Sunset on 109.020’W – 29.980’N Sonora, Mexico … 01:50 UTC, Aug 21 (eclipse day)
    Sunrise on 66.67’E – 17.48’S Mauritius ! (5.9 epicentre, July 19) … 01:50 UTC, Aug 21
    Solar Noon on 153.20’E – 4.79’S New Ireland Region P.N.G. (6.4 epicentre, July 13) … 01:50 UTC, Aug 21

    I have not found anything substantial related to Turkey as yet, except the signal data Hook provided for us on the 31st. Between the 10th – 16th Aug, Sonora had 6 further contacts with other 5.5+ post seismic locations, including the 7.7 Nikol’Skoye event of July 17, and 6.5 Leyte, Philippines event on July 6.

    Historic records that I have sourced, seem to suggest Sonora is not accustom to high magnitude events, however there was a 7.6 on the 3rd May 1887, in the Teras Mountain range on 109.12’W – 31.07’N… within 100 miles of the location stated here!

    To secure Sonora, we need a sunset/dusk signal at 02:06 UTC and 03:38 UTC (present), won’t be easy because that data time is during the ACE breaks… it needs somebody that knows how to find signal data from other sources!

    I have been adjusting my eclipse notes to accommodate T&G… hopefully it won’t give you the creeps 🙂

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    August 2, 2017 at 6:58 pm #2363

    I’ve just been reviewing your photo albums again, being impressed with your effort, I forgot to look for locations, and the reason it was here… “YES” found some data I can use on Turkey, keep it up 🙂

    Score: 0
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    August 2, 2017 at 7:54 pm #2365

    I think we just hit pay mud as you guy’s say, a contact spike in the ACE MAG data on traces; Phi and Bx, at 18:40 UTC, -8 LS = 18:32 UTC. This is Dusk on Develi, Central Turkey, approx 20 miles South of my preliminary co-ordinates. It’s not a big signature, but if there is something significant there, it will become more prominent in the coming days. Also, the SWEPAM data shows a density fall between 15:42 and 15:54 UTC (15:34 – 15:46 UTC), the moon was on longitude 66.67’E (5.9 Mauritius, July 19) at 15:40 UTC, half way… it’s still maintaining its residual energy from below!!

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    August 2, 2017 at 8:04 pm #2366

    Apologies… I was getting mixed up with “mud in your eye”, I believe the word I was looking for is “pay dirt”. I don’t watch many Dwayne Johnston movies… more of a Robert Redford “Out of Africa” fan myself 🙂

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    37 pts
    August 2, 2017 at 8:40 pm #2367

    Counselor and Lester,
    If you recall, the M6.4 that occurred in Peru I found evidence of a seismo- ionospheric coupling the day before the event. Speaking of which, I have have something to share, and it may involve Peru, this is the one of the largest ionospheric anomalies I have come across: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B83EkoitOiKQYktDRXo2bkw3alk/view?usp=sharing
    It remained in that spot for hours last night.
    siesmo-ionospheric coupling: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B83EkoitOiKQaW8yRm83TEppNGs/view?usp=sharing

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by HookEcho.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by HookEcho.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by HookEcho.
    Score: 0
    115 pts
    August 2, 2017 at 9:51 pm #2371

    Is there any particular reason why the time in the ionospheric anomaly image is showing 07:50 UTC, or did you chose this at random ??

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    August 2, 2017 at 10:14 pm #2373

    Hook! Whoa…that is massive! Nice to have that documented here.

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    August 2, 2017 at 10:27 pm #2374

    Counselor yes, it is one of the largest TEC anomalies I have ran into for this region.

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    August 2, 2017 at 10:37 pm #2375

    You may have indirectly landed a big fish here my friend, I’ll work on this and let you know tomorrow… might lose some sleep with this one 🙂

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    August 2, 2017 at 10:59 pm #2376

    “might lose some sleep with this one” yeah..the sun was coming up when I finally pulled myself away from the laptop last night..ummm this morning.

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    August 2, 2017 at 11:22 pm #2377

    I have those regions on watch and to the South along with Chile/Argentina. There is a ongoing trend of Southern migration.

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    August 3, 2017 at 12:33 am #2378

    Here are a few more images of the TEC anomaly:
    08:10 UTC: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B83EkoitOiKQbGwtbU05R1pKRXM/view?usp=sharing
    08:50 UTC: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B83EkoitOiKQdG81Sndta3FUSXM/view?usp=sharing

    Note, I am sourcing two different TEC maps, anomaly is shown up on both.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by HookEcho.
    Score: 0
    11 pts
    August 3, 2017 at 1:44 pm #2382


    Comparison images with TandD for you

    Only had time for two this morning

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Counselor.
    Score: 0
    11 pts
    August 3, 2017 at 2:34 pm #2384


    Almost forgot to share this with you both.

    Score: 0
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    August 3, 2017 at 2:52 pm #2385

    Hook / Counselor,
    Tec images from 08:10 – 08:50 UTC show the peak of the anomaly on or within 100 km’s of 66.280’W – 10.570’S Riberalta, Northeast Bolivia. I used Riberalta as the focal point in this sequence… it seems to fit the picture!

    August 1 – C 1.4 flux event peaking at 07:47 UTC
    Positional longitude of the moon on 169.98’E (Vanuatu)
    Dusk on 168.98’E – 17.93’S Vanuatu (5.5 epicentre, July 21) … 07:47 UTC
    Dawn on 49.22’W – 13.48’N North Atlantic Ocean (5.9 epicentre, July 27) … 07:47 UTC

    August 2 – 2017-08-02 00:16 UTC, M 5.2 North Atlantic Ocean … 49.35’W – 13.53’N
    (No Dawn or Dusk is present on 168.84’E – 54.55’N Nikol’Skoye (7.7 epicentre, July 17)

    August 3 – Dawn and Dusk return to ,,,,,,,, – ,,,,,,,, Nikol’Skoye at 13:12 UTC and 12:31 UTC respectively
    At 13:12 UTC, positional longitude of the moon on 113.710’E, opposite longitude = 66.280’W (Riberalta!)

    Future correlations…

    August 7 – Full moon occurs at 18:44 UTC
    Dawn on 153.20’E – 4.79’S New Ireland Region P.N.G. (6.4 epicentre, July 13) … 18:44 UTC

    August 9 – Dawn on 168.98’E – 17.93’S Vanuatu (5.5 epicentre, July 21) … 07:48 UTC
    Dawn on 49.22’W – 13.48’N North Atlantic Ocean (5.9 epicentre, July 27) … 07:48 UTC
    Dusk on 164.34’E – 49.30’S Auckland Islands (6.6 epicentre, July 11) … 07:48 UTC
    Sunset on 153.20’E – 4.79’S New Ireland Region P.N.G. (6.4 epicentre, July 13) … 07:48 UTC

    August 21 – Dusk on Vanuatu.. Dawn on North Atlantic Ocean .. Sunset on New Ireland Region P.N.G. at 07:50 UTC on stated co-ordinates
    At 09:22 UTC (eclipse day). Positional longitude of the moon at this time is 35.42’E (Kayseri, Central Turkey), it is also Dawn on 66.280’W – 10.570’S Riberalta at 09:22 UTC. Sunset in Riberalta on stated co-ordinates, occurs at 10:37 UTC (Aug 21). Dusk on 168.84’E – 54.55’N Nikol’Skoye also occurs at 10:37 UTC

    A further connection between Sonora Mexico and Kayseri Central Turkey relates to the summer solstice period. On June 8, it was Sunset in Sonora, and Sunrise in Kayseri at 02:17 UTC… on the day before, the time bands were separated by 1 minute. They continued this time lock until July 25, Sunrise and Sunset relative to both locations occurred at 02:22 UTC… the day after, they were again separated by 1 minute.

    Considering the list of correlations for August 9 in my previous post, and the one’s listed here, I expect to see something noteworthy on this day… possibly a 6+ quake or a High magnitude flux event. New Ireland Region P.N.G. may also be a prominent location to keep an eye on.

    Have you caught up with your sleep yet ?, and is the TEC anomaly still present ?

    Score: 0
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    August 3, 2017 at 2:59 pm #2386

    Apologies… Vanuatu on August 9 should read as Dusk… at my age, I get plenty of sleep and still make mistakes 🙂

    Score: 0
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