115 ptslesterAugust 20, 2017 at 1:30 pm #2594
Yes! your quite right… I was at the hospital yesterday having an MRI scan, I didn’t get the results I was hoping for. My post was an off the cuff response when I returned home… screwed up my own life, why should I care about anyone else!
I try to be respectful where I can be… because I grew up in an era when it actually meant something!
Score: 037 pts11 ptsCounselorAugust 20, 2017 at 7:00 pm #2600Ok Hook and Lester. I will start here because I am hoping for you to have some TEC sourced for this time period, as well as the Math Lester. Starting with a ridge quake south of Africa up to a larger quake in Japan. I have some of the Windy.com maps that I sourced from S0 daily news to demonstrate something I see happen with the lows like the TEC disappearances that take place after any quake . At times of these quakes along the ridges, or subduction zones near the magnetic/gravitational anomalies, I have seen a low develop in areas along spots near central Atlantic, at terminator locations near at/near a previous epicenter, and it makes it way to an area that sun/moon is repeatedly showing up at the times of M4/5 quakes (probably not limited to larger quakes if these are linked too). And, yes, there is a quake I have in the Mediterranean here too because of that gravitational anomaly near the Atlas Mountains. When you get to the Japan quake at the end, the low pressure system begins to break down. I will work on the next big quakes I have in my obscenity of an album in the previous post. Hoping to have some TEC images for the other quakes I have listed. What I am hoping to contribute for you two, and for this group at large, is the intermediary for your models, and maybe one that can be “bolt on” during these periods of a less active sun.
Japan Experimental Analysis
https://goo.gl/photos/UjKa8DsxR2ZF6kFG7Lastly…I am sorry guys. Lester, I do appreciate your concern, and I am sticking to that making time for family. This is just how I am when I have an hour in the morning, and an hour at night to myself. I then get a little extra time in the day during Saturday here on the pacific coast. I knew I liked you when you referenced “Out of Africa”. So, here is a reference you may appreciate. Did you ever read Flowers for Algernon ? I am kind of dummy most of the time, but I have a trap memory for a lot of things. So, like the rise and fall of the character in that book, I sometimes have my bright moments. However, I fall into periods of being kind of slow and then I have a difficult time making sense to things I see. However, it repeats. I am beginning to slow down again and will need to focus on the here and now (home and career).
Score: 011 pts37 ptsHookEchoAugust 21, 2017 at 1:39 am #2607Well, it seems I may have a winner with the “Peak Times” add-on.
I had noticed Ben had Guatemala starred on his 24 hr prediction map.I am not sure if he had known that Guatemala was likely going to shake based off the Sun/Moon current conjunction point, (the region correlates very wel) or other factors. I didn’t get around to asking as he was at the EU conference and I was blowing up his phone the entire evening as it was.
I gave a set of peak times in regards to Guatemala and Chile both being starred.
Top quakes of the day, M5.1 Peru (I missed by 14 minutes) and my main focal point:
M5.1 Guatemala (I missed by only 3 minutes).INITIAL TEST RUN COMPLETE
However, I am going about any further testing in “Silent Mode.”
Which I may not even be updating here on this website, I have to speak with Ben again after he rests up and how he wants to go about this.
Score: 0
All eye’s are on the both of us.
As usual..115 pts37 ptsHookEchoAugust 22, 2017 at 5:07 pm #2621It works fine for me. You just have to multi task 🙂 Actually yeah, I have missed a few while creating posts for ya all, but I don’t sweat it.
Score: 0
Here are a few examples from last fall, I get a gold star because I was working full time, yet were able to catch these during my breaks: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sWvbqqzfp6Mx6i2AxRzSaE4xfznib2gnuescSCD6ixI/edit?usp=sharing37 ptsHookEchoAugust 22, 2017 at 5:32 pm #2623Oh, here is a short little piece I wrote up and just came upon from around that time frame:
Precursor Deep Seismic Shocks leading up to Eruption of Singabung Volcano
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MJgk82orHyaA_4Bd3E1TxB6BQjP7xjj7IZvtpnkMHt4/edit?usp=sharingIt appears incomplete, I was likely short on time or on my way to work. I have all sorts of them and various notes in my drive, I should go through them and review. I may have forgotten something of value.
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by
37 ptsHookEchoAugust 22, 2017 at 5:42 pm #2625Oh, a rough draft of my first article from from several years back published on the old S0 Blog (no longer exists):
Score: 0
Gamma-Ray Bursts, Electrostatic Potential Shocks, Gravity Waves and Large Magnitude Earthquakes
https://docs.google.com/document/d/11qLaANljKvIOHmcfWAaoOxXtgDpimNtCKLxf-Lm164Q/edit?usp=sharing115 ptslesterAugust 22, 2017 at 6:48 pm #2626Well you have me beat… I can’t multi-task with this
If I forecast New Zealand, I would have plenty of time for other things
If I forecast within a 200 mile radius in New Zealand… takes effort, no time for other things!
Nice last fall re’sume’ you have there!
Score: 0115 pts37 ptsHookEchoAugust 22, 2017 at 7:23 pm #2628“forecast within a 200 mile radius in New Zealand takes effort” Really? NZ is only like what, 250 miles wide? When I get back online I will forecast the next 2 most likely areas to be hit with an above M4 eq in New Zealand, no maths required. We shall see if I am correct. (just for fun)
Score: 0115 pts37 ptsHookEchoAugust 22, 2017 at 9:09 pm #263120 days? Better yet, If I have 20 days I will name 5 regions that I believe will hit M5+ with the epicenters within 200 miles. If I correctly forecast 3 out of the 5 it will be considered a success and 4 or 5 for 5 we shall have a ceremony in my honor, and be crowned Grand Poobah.
Score: 0115 ptslesterAugust 22, 2017 at 9:24 pm #2632One thing… choosing pre-noted regions already listed in my “Clues thread” will be dishonourable, if I happen on one of your chosen locations in my quest, I will favourably include it for you… other than that, I look forward to raising a glass in your honour 🙂
Clock starts at 00:01 UTC, August 23
Score: 037 ptsHookEchoAugust 23, 2017 at 8:15 pm #2639I haven’t focused on your thread as of yet, just skimmed over it. As I have been quite busy as well.
Score: 0
You already started the clock? Ok, I will try and find the time later this evening to pick my 5.
Btw, I do not work in a dishonorable fashion. I will avoid your post and see if we end up with the same regions.
Then we can properly adjust from that point.115 pts115 pts37 ptsHookEchoAugust 26, 2017 at 12:45 am #2688Lester,
Yeah Counselor was doing something similar, I suggested to him to create a post in regards.
I am focused on the times for the most part, by creating a post it won’t be buried in our chit chatI will get around to naming those regions.
Let me show you something. This is 30 days, M4.5+
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B83EkoitOiKQOXRJbGtxZ1pXRjQ/view?usp=sharingYou are almost guaranteed some hits
Score: 0115 pts37 ptsHookEchoAugust 26, 2017 at 5:46 pm #2692Which arrangement?
You are welcome to join me if we want to work together, I would not mind any suggestions you may have.
I am actually working on several projects, I am trying to get done as much as possible before I go back to work.-
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by
37 pts11 ptsCounselorAugust 28, 2017 at 7:40 am #27207+ experimental analysis
https://goo.gl/photos/5KWMhxmzaxr5xtYx87+ experimental analysis part 2
https://goo.gl/photos/oQSdA23kzXFE731D7Hello guys,
The links are to some small albums…my promise… that are simply my humble rational for my recent quake forecast. Haven’t really had any time to myself this week until today, and charged hard to put together these recent pieces of data together. Wanted to see where you guys are and you each have been busy. I thought I was busy keeping up with all the San Antonio, Puerto Rico quakes, which is what distracted me from looking at a different set of older quakes for analysis.
Part one was my simply some unscientific inkling about that recent 6 pointer, hence the review of a few big quake locations at the start of that album, but I have a combination of Mag data, and some small quakes that lined up the larger one. The start of the mag formation shows the sun terminator at the future epicenter with the end of the formation being the beginning of the moon terminator. The couple of quakes I found that lined up seemed like it followed the pattern per Lester’s teaching (minus a few quakes in between…sorry), but I was looking for rare M4/5 clues (like the recent Atlantic quake that Ben pointed out on one of daily news reports.
Part 2 was realizing that stack plot I reviewed shows a green tesla strength line that I don’t see dip very often, especially one that causes a ripple in the red line underneath it (I don’t have any other images from the previous 7.7 to confirm this so it is my speculation). I used TandD to map out terminators and the locations of sun and moon, coupling those environmental factors again (wind/pressure maps). Lester, I am sorry for not having a graphic that represents the T sequence. I have to work with a phone more or less.
Since I was thinking about the lows that dissipate/dramatically gain in strength, my top forecasts went into my official one on “make a forecast”. Unofficially, we can see a nod to central/eastern Turkey, north island Japan/southern tip of Japan, a tip of the hat to Greece, a terminator running through a seemingly rare Bosnia/Herzegovina region (which popped today), Pakistan, PNG, and Sinabang, Indonesia. What made me think of you guys was where the sun and moon are at the start and end of the part 2. At the start, Moon lines up Iceland, and North Acencion Islands epicenter. Sun at the start looks like it sits right over Costa Rica/Panama/Guatamala. At the end, Moon lines up with that funny spot (Skagway?) that I think had an epicenter (that in between area of Alaska/Canada?), but the Sun lines up with the Solomon Islands (Bougainville maybe?)
Haven’t had a chance to read much of your guys past posts so I feel even more behind. I felt like there might be one more big quake left before we hit another big earthquake quiet.
Score: 0 -
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by
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