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11 ptsCounselorJuly 21, 2017 at 8:28 pm #2174
Awesome! Check this out
This latest TEC image looks like it kinda traces the plasma jets! There is a blot in Mexico too.
Score: 011 ptsCounselorJuly 21, 2017 at 1:24 pm #2167Lester, that would be awesome. I just woke up and saw the quake that hit there. Almost forecasted it after you shared the spot. Looked at the TEC map at Trimble, Hook, and it looked like there was a little higher than average activity in the Islannd chain off the eastern area of PNG/vanuatu, but didn’t think it was going pop that soon. What did you see in that area? 0859 UTC July 21? One of the reasons I almost posted was that new moon influence because the posted time I think is when the sun had already set. Off to work in a few minutes. So, I will try to check in when I can.
Score: 011 pts11 ptsCounselorJuly 21, 2017 at 12:46 am #2155And, the center line of the dark area at the time 2231 UTC passed over the space near the epicenter of the turkey quake. Not sure if that is just coincidence today, but I would agree then with idea of the moon having a terminator too. If we hear about planetary bodies like Jupiter and Saturn producing their own types of energies that can boost/cancel out the effects of the sun (Gaussian wave pattern connectin info that I read) during grand conjunctions), then it stands to reason the moon could do this too. I remember a picture I need to find that showed meteor strikes on the moon, and the pattern look like there was an equatorial region. electromagnetic effects at play there, as well as gravity. However, let’s start with a few basic add-ons to the existing tools. It could only help, even if it might be at the expense of ruling out some things along the way.
Score: 011 ptsCounselorJuly 20, 2017 at 11:05 pm #2152BTW attu station Alaska just popped a 4.3 at the same UTC time as the Turkey 6+ fired off. The sun was over Hawaii, but that island chain is connected to a long mountain chain that dog legs at the ocean floor in the direction of attu station. Maybe something to look at later?
Score: 011 ptsCounselorJuly 20, 2017 at 10:36 pm #2150Thanks Hook! I am hoping to use the NOAA site, and your advice for a better aim. I forgot we were going to post on this page instead of the other set. I left an idea on the old thread for a possible combined project. Maybe there is one more puzzle piece we could find?
Score: 011 ptsCounselorJuly 20, 2017 at 7:41 pm #2146No worries Lester. What if we begin linking images from either windytv or nullschool with a pressure map at solar noon?,-118.275,5
And the time/date map
Perhaps we can start using some visuals together and couple a few ideas together? The 3 of us? Or, whomever else is reading this thread? You and Hook got so close to that M7 using your skill sets that I am convinced your approaches are linked albeit from different angles.
I read you post around 1430 UTC today, see link below for what I took a screenshot of: forgot to screenshot quakewatch but I think we should add this too. I have tried looking for archived satellite weather images with no luck, so forgive me if you have something. At that moment you find a “footprint” lets snapshot either a windy/nullschool image, and quakewatch. My idea is that we can narrow this down some more. I think it’s hard to ignore blot echoes because of the data related to it. I have read the material that Hook has posted, as well as the Davidson (et al) studies, and feel there is some common ground with what you see.
If I am tracking anything about what you are saying, next solar noon has the sun over the prime meridian (the moon relatively close in line) some dawn dusk areas in that image have blot echoes (Ryukyu Japan, Antofagasta Chile, Guatemala) Could we see a M4+ pop at Tristan Da Cunha? Bouvet Island, Saint Helena, in Morocco/Algeria along Atlas Mountains, near Iceland? If there were a pop, those dawn dusk areas with a blot echo have a compounded factor as a potential hit.
What do you guys think?
Score: 011 ptsCounselorJuly 20, 2017 at 1:39 pm #2144If I had to think of the diurnal nature of teluric current, then are you leaning in the direction of stress? It would be another piece of a puzzle for a layman like me to understand how the recent M7+ could come around after a recent 6+ (not necessarily you and the other 0bservers, but many outside this community understand quakes as relieving the “stress”. I will save my next series of questions because, sadly, I have been slow to catch the trend you have been seeing until just now.
Score: 011 pts11 ptsCounselorJuly 19, 2017 at 1:39 pm #2130Hook,
Thanks for the link to NOAA about sector crossings. I had been following GONG at a time before the recent uptick and made a note to add, but I had misjudged the timing. It wasn’t until after studying those series of recent quakes (after my post), that I was thinking…oops.
Lester, no need to split. 🙂 starting to get the feeling like I am the little brother, but don’t go too easy on me now. This is one forum where my lumps are helpful.
Score: 011 ptsCounselorJuly 19, 2017 at 6:20 am #2125Hook and Lester,
Best of luck in this holding pattern we’re in for the next M7+. Not surprised to hear about USGS withholding data. I used to reference a website for the AMPERE project to study the increase in overall current in the atmosphere around periods related to big quakes. I think it was around March (2017) that they cut off the public information:
It wasn’t real time, but I was trying to look for a longer term pattern in hopes to anticipate the pattern using some of the basic tools. I definitely have some more homework with the types of forecasts you guys are making.I just made another forecast too that includes Japan, but I am likely to be way off for that area after seeing your guys Japan forecasts. I may need to extend the days as well. You guys were also talking about Burma before I started seeing the patterns that had me feel comfortable forecasting there as well.
If I happen to catch something more worth sharing with my idea about the ophiolite in some of these areas, I will post it here.
Score: 011 pts11 ptsCounselorJuly 14, 2017 at 3:19 pm #2054HookEcho,
Yes! I saw that quake in PNG not too long after you shared the image about the plasma bands. I was stoked to see that happen as well. I am taking a time out from forecasting again to review it, and some additional information. Since I was reviewing some information about the ocean, where I was reading up on the exposed ophiolite formations there as well, I was also fascinated by the salinity concentrated in very similar regions around the plasma bands (as well as the thicker parts). In addition, those same vertical fields you mentioned also occur on the ocean floors as well (none of this being anything new to you guys, more stuff I didn’t know and hope to adopt in my analysis 🙂 ). So, I am especially interested in sitting with the links that look at the ionosphere. However, if they have been that much of a pain for you, then I am anxious about my ability to work with it. You, Lester, and a few others, seem to be having success reading some other signs that are longer term, which is more my speed when I can sit and analyze. Hoping to make another forecast soon!
Hook- in the seismic teleconnection, is there a degree range from these paired areas in how they correspond to degree ranges of P and S waves travelling through the mantle?
Score: 011 ptsCounselorJuly 11, 2017 at 6:51 am #1994Hook, Thanks for the map. I tried looking at couple of areas for a recent forecast I made and have noticed the plasma bands are nearby. This will definitely help me focus a bit more for future forecasts. What are the dotted lines? Are those areas where the plasma bands can migrate/shift at times? Or, if they don’t really shift, are those dotted lines a measurement of electical/magnetic influence? Do they also share the same diurnal movement like the telluric currents?
This next bit is my theorizing after those ionospheric anomaly images you shared:
Your other images connected to the ionospheric anomalies had me looking at F2 frequency map thinking about resonance. I was reading that telluric currents oscillate at very low frequencies ( as low as 3 MHz, but even around ranges that powergrids will operate around 50 – 60 MHz). Those high amperage static discharge measurements of 100,000 AMPS for M6, to 1 million for M7, make sense to me if we are looking at this rock to air interface as something similar to a tesla coil. Earth, and the energy that is generated in the mantle, has the crust acting a high resistance interface. The crust has areas of exposed rock formations that used to be part of the mantle (ophiolite/peridotite) which could, when exposed to electric currents, or shifting magnetic fields, begin to build up a static charge. The energy is transferred as the frequency of these interfaces begin to resonate at or around the same frequency. The quakes would be the kinetic response to the charges being nuetralized/as they are neutralizing. This would still occur under the earths oceans in the same manner because of the very low frequencies being able to pass through water.
Am I making any sense? I have just started keeping track of some quakes that were misses for me. The quake in the Phillipines near Masarayao, when looking at a few maps that i tried finding through google (some from articles about mining for diamonds so not necessarily earthquake related) ocurred fairly close to a spot of exposed ophiolite. I am trying to look into this for other regions, like California, because many of the past large earthquakes along the San Andreas fault, or in the Sierra Nevada range, seem to occur in areas of exposed ophiolite. I am trying to compile a map of my own to test this idea out, but that is where my theorizing with you, and Lester, has left me.
Not sure if this bit of information has already been looked at by anybody else, including yourself, but let me know if this sounds plausible.
Score: 011 ptsCounselorJuly 9, 2017 at 11:41 pm #1976July 9th, M6.5+ potential in the following areas from time of this post until July 12 0300 UTC:
Along Andes Mountain range in Columbia (from western border to eastern border); all of east coast of Japan; 200 KM radius around Fiji Island, 200 KM around Vanuatu, 300 KM line along fault north of East Timor from Dili heading East.
Score: 011 ptsCounselorJuly 9, 2017 at 3:47 pm #1975July 9th- new watch for California. From time of this post to July 13th 0000 UTC. M6+ potential in highlighted area. From mammoth lakes area on east side of Sierra Nevada mountains to just south of the Salton sea.
Score: 011 ptsCounselorJuly 6, 2017 at 3:45 pm #1954My Philippines forecast miss was closer for me than I expected. Timing was off, almost 36 hrs, but surprised that area still shook after a M4.7 at 10KM prior to that 6.9. Anybody have any thoughts on that with current earthquake drought conditions (weakening magnetosphere/running up to a grand solar minimum)? Should we be looking at longer term forecast for some areas overs?
Score: 011 pts11 ptsCounselorJuly 4, 2017 at 10:03 pm #1939Lester, no worries man. The value in what could be discovered from that is always worth more than the dollar amount. At least to me, that’s how I see the hands on experiences anyway. It’s more a space issue. I am outnumbered. Kind of hard to explain to a 2 year old what I am doing to our home, and my spouse, without much room for me to play too. I have to settle for the digital space to lay out these ideas and perform thought experiments in my down time. Like Ben has mentioned , and I feel others have said as much here, we are here for each other to walk through this fire together.
For Hook, I forgot to ask about the F2 critical frequency chart on spaceweathernews. Do those measurements in anyway correspond to what you had posted about? Again, still taking my time with those images related to rock-to-air interface.
Score: 011 ptsCounselorJuly 4, 2017 at 6:19 pm #1937Update to July 3rd posting for California:
Looking at earthquake chains this morning as 1st 24hrs ends. See link:
As the current so cal activity seems to continue, I am going to extend my watch for this area to July 8 0000 UTC. If large coronal holes persist, with low pressure developments that vary from slight convergence to coastal eddy, so cal may be more sensitive at this time. However, these lows appear weak overall. Still thinking M6+, but centering the watch on a 50km radius from Loma Linda.
Score: 011 ptsCounselorJuly 3, 2017 at 6:56 pm #1928July 3rd- 18:44 UTC
Could just be due the coronal holes at this time, disaster app shows high number, and California is showing showing some higher activity along the white axis I drew on this image. Loma linda took a m3.2 recently with recent activity within what seems to be a radius of about 30KM. And, there are stacked quakes in Gilroy, and just ssw of Kettleman City. My eyes are on on the area around Loma Linda, Gilroy, and Kettleman city for a 24-36 hr period. M6+ potential in those spots with 30KM radius for each.
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by
11 ptsCounselorJuly 3, 2017 at 6:15 pm #1926Correction: I meant west end PNG just like my image posted.
I am adding Fiji to this watch, but for m7+ potential using remaining time period.
I am also adding a watch for Kabul to recent blot in Jarm, Afghanistan. I am curious to see another blot, but m4.6 to m5.2 prior to my forecast of M6+. It would be a watch for the remaining time of this post.
Score: 011 ptsCounselorJuly 3, 2017 at 7:24 am #1923Hook, these visuals for the vertical electric fields are super. Kinda reminds me of a few things that I will save for now to ask about the F2 layer measurements. Those anomalies are happening over the course of minutes. Was it an occurrence that included the thermal nuetrons, as well as the factors used on quakewatch, as the last precursor to a quake of those higher magnitudes? For a person like me, it may be tough to track this if it were to be independent of the other factors. Is there a means to monitor this in near real time for the public?
Lester, I might need to save your experiment idea when my kid gets older. But, I am into that kind of idea. I live in a sub-urban setting which may still have its obstacles too. Had a plasma globe growing up and would mess with it often.
Score: 011 ptsCounselorJune 28, 2017 at 2:46 pm #1898Hook, your talk of static discharge has had me in deep thought lately. I have returned home, and to work, which slows my being able to continue theorizing through this message board. I have been thinking the static discharge is making more sense anyway, especially in the everyday sense. Charges getting equalized coming in the form of being “shocked” by one’s own car, by another person, or by the front door handle to your home has me wondering more. Rewatched Ben’s interview of Mr. Pollack, reviewed your video again (as well as the additional links you have been sharing with Lester), and have been reviewing the recent information about the make-up of cosmic rays. Even Ben’s recent interview with the researcher from MIT about glyphosate mentioned something about the cell holding the negative charge at the boundary, but releasing the positive charges (I will need to review that again to confirm that statement) and imagining this thermal neutron release as a larger version of this same process). Kind of has me thinking about my dad saying things like, “As is above, as is below.” I will definitely return with more questions soon. I hope to be making more forecasts as well.
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