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37 pts37 pts37 pts37 ptsHookEchoJune 24, 2017 at 2:30 am #1875
What I will do is break your post down.
Let us begin here:“I have spent most of the past month, trying to log the data feed breaks related to the Ace satellite, particularly the mag monitor. Most feeds have been cutting off in the 23:30’s UTC range.” Since the switch to the new satellite, all efforts are likely directed and take priority. ACE is not monitored exclusively by NASA,[if at all] SWPC relies on international and domestic partners to provide continuous tracking and data retrieval from the satellite. At around 22:00 UTC, the responsibility switches from one partner to the next, and whomever that is, either now provides tracking and data for the new satellite, or possibly does not even provide the service any longer for ACE. I would imagine a slight overlap of some kind in order to provide continuous data flow, and around 23:00 UTC or so, the last partner that was doing the data retrieval eventually loses contact and the signal drops, leaving a gap until the next partner begins to pick up and receive data.
Score: 037 ptsHookEchoJune 22, 2017 at 7:58 pm #1859Lester, sorry it was a late night for me and apologize for not responding. There is a Deeper Look on the .org website, Episode 36 – May 4, 2017 – USGS Archive Searching a tutorial that should assist you in your effort.
“2017-06-22 12:31:04 UTC M 6.8 Offshore Guatemala – geocentric position of the sun, 7′ 15′ W – 23′ 26′ N
Sunset on co-ordinates 70′ 43′ E – 26′ 37′ S, Triple Junction, Central Indian Ocean Ridge, 12:31 UTC”
Combined with the other factors: We crossed the IMF neutral layer earlier several hours before the earthquake that wiped out the electron storm [see this mornings S0 news] and due for another crossing today as a CIR [co rotating interaction region] will be sweeping past Earth and is due to arrive any time now. We are within a few days of the New Moon and the Summer Solstice occurred back on the 20th. We have around 5 more days left before the Solstice influence on seismic activity wanes. I sure would love to have public access to uncensored thermal neutron data from a nearby ground station.-
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37 ptsHookEchoJune 21, 2017 at 11:58 pm #1854Counselorgimber,
First, We will take this one step at a time and keep it simple for the time being. When the neutral layer crosses Earth and the Interplanetary Magnetic field polarity changes, the Earths crust generates short bursts of intensity of neutron emission. This is likely associated withdeformation of the Earth’s crust that can be caused by electrostriction and magnetostriction arising under the action
of large-scale Interplanetary Magnetic Field inhomogeneities on the Earth’s magnetosphere. In other words, the magnetic field is not uniform. The Moon actually stresses Earths crust in a similar manner, as evidenced by the detection of thermal neutrons by ground stations near the Full Moon. They differ as the thermal neutrons are slowly and more sporadically released, while T.N. detection as we approach and cross a solar sector boundary is more so bursts and a sharp, steady increase is had to ignore.Lines of Magnetic force also can accumulate on either side of the neutral layer, [the layer that separates positive and negative polarities of the solar wind.] this is also where we may find the current energy of the Solar Polar Fields.
It also has been found an increase in the hard component of cosmic rays, as much as 100% , riding along side the boundaries. Not unlike a natural particle accelerator in space.
Earth also experiences a temporary direct electrical and unique magnetic connection between Sun and Earth. It has been noticed in the field a localized surge/increase in tulleric currents during these space weather events.
You may have noticed an increase in protons via ACE in the past during a SSBC event. It will look something like this:
There is so much to go over in regards,so I will leave you with this to ponder for today. Questions are welcome.
Score: 037 ptsHookEchoJune 21, 2017 at 7:12 pm #1849Here are my thoughts in regards to the ‘Earth facing quiet’
Due to the Suns rotation, the interplanetary magnetic field is warped, often referred to as the Parker spiral. Thus Earth and Sun do not magnetically connect until about and after 65 degrees solar longitude. The “earthfacing quiet” is observed long before the sunspot reaches this point, ruling out alot of the direct magnetic mechanism e g magnetic portals for the most part. And vice versa, Earth would have to transcend this warped field as well. And it would also have to contend with the outward constant flow of the solar wind. It would be like attempting to oar a boat against the flow of a raging river that is going the opposite direction. Anything from Earth would also have to be able to pierce through the neutral layers that separate positive and negative magnetic solar wind sectors
Sunspots emit radio waves on a continuous basis, these oscillations remain the more or less the same throughout with very little variance. What if these sunspot oscillations change while approaching and during a major minimum solar cycle and match Earths oscillations (or something similar in nature) therefore a canceling or creating a disruptive effect on a sunspot as a result? This is to assume radio waves emitted from other planets play a role in sunspot formation/earthquakes. Just think how certain planetary alignments cause sunspots to form and seemingly increase overall solar activity. This obviously transcends the Parker Spiral. To add, planetary alignments is not unlike adding additional speakers to a stereo, Wiring them in series or parallel..parallel the more speakers you wire in, the lower the impedance. Output increases because the amplifiers power output rises as the load impedance decreases.
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37 ptsHookEchoJune 21, 2017 at 6:37 pm #1848Also note the M9.0 Sumatra earthquake occurred December 26, 2004 (near their Solstice) followed by a M8.7 Sumatra earthquake that occurred March 28, 2005 (near their equinox). There may be a possible link between the seasonal shifts with the tilt of the Earth during equinoxes and solstices and the timing of some seismic events, when possibly combined with other factors.
Score: 0
What are these factors? This I have not investigated as of yet. I will repost this link since it pertains to the one of the mentioned earthquakes:
Thermal Neutrons’ Observations before The Sumatra Earthquake: ptsHookEchoJune 21, 2017 at 6:16 pm #1847M6.0+ earthquakes that occurred near the 2016 Solstice:
Score: 0
M6.0 Northern Mariana Islands 2016-12-14
M7.9 PNG 2016-12-17
M6.0 Solomon Islands 2016-12-18
M6.1 Micronesia 2016-12-18
M6.4 Brazil 2016-12-18
M6.4 Solomon Islands 2016-12-20
M6.7 East Timor 2016-12-2137 ptsHookEchoJune 21, 2017 at 3:33 pm #1844Hello Counselorgimber,
Yes, it is a valuable pursuit, as it is part of the puzzle. But the list you are using for correlation rules out many crossings if they do not fit their ‘criteria’ thus much valuable data is left out. This graph linked (using another data source for SSBC’s) displays the distribution of M6.3 and greater earthquakes 1973-1992 [19 years, 772 total] depending on the time intervals from the day of the IMF magnetic sector change, [solar sector boundary crossings]. From this graph one can conclude the majority of earthquakes Magnitude M6.3+ occur within the 3 day interval of a sector boundary crossing: collaboration with GoToSpace and Stephen Shaw, we created a video a few years back. We went through ACE data and made our own list for the approx. one year short term study. We ended up with a 91% correlation rate with earthquakes M6.3 and higher using a 3 day interval. It was taken down but since has been re uploaded on my back up channel, just search for “The Interplanetary Magnetic Fields Influence on earthquakes.” It will be on the HookEchoB channel.
Score: 0
It contains much information, and may be worth your while to check out. I will return to this discussion shortly.37 ptsHookEchoJune 21, 2017 at 5:19 am #1838Just a quick note, thus far I can pass on magnetospheric electric fields and/or the ionosphere are affected during dawn/dusk periods.
The are two main sources of magnetospheric electric fields. One is the solar wind related, dawn-to-dusk directed (“convection”) field, and the other is the co-rotation electric field related to the rotation of the Earth along its spin axis. Is this information useful? Or am I completely off track? We may be venturing into the Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Coupling System territory. I will continue to analyze your descriptions in order to gain a better grasp on your observations. Here is a great book on this subject:
Sergey Pulinets Ionospheric Precursors of Earthquakes:
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37 ptsHookEchoJune 21, 2017 at 2:44 am #1835Additional Watch:
Score: 0
Magnitude Potential: M5.5 – M6.5
Alert Duration: 24 hours begin 02:40:03 UTC Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Chile/Bolivia region with the potential of transmigration to the South.
Alert Map: ptsHookEchoJune 21, 2017 at 2:11 am #1833Potential Factors:
Within the 5 day period of New Moon: June 24, 02:31 UTC. Earthquakes tend to increase during the five days before a lunation, for New Moon The P-Value is 0.047303. The result is significant at p < 0.05.
Summer Solstice: June 21, 12:24 A.M. EDT
Numerous Blot Echoes
Mercury/Sun/Moon/Earth conjunction
Earth facing coronal hole-
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37 pts37 ptsHookEchoJune 20, 2017 at 9:30 pm #1827Well that is not the intention or response I was hoping for at all. How are we supposed to move forward if one is to run when both have spoken their respective sides on an irrelevant issue and were ready to move on? During solar sector boundary crossings (passage of the IMF neutral layer) the Van Allen belts expand and contract in a sort of ‘breathing’ fashion. I intentionally posted the above papers because our observations I believe are interrelated. I discovered the correlation long before those papers were painstakingly eventually located. There are missing pieces to my observations in regards to passage of the neutral layer and seismic events, and we may be onto yet another progressive step forward. I do hope you reconsider your decision, because it is the world that will benefit in the long run if we can successfully intertwine our observations.
Score: 037 ptsHookEchoJune 20, 2017 at 3:57 pm #1825I have no issues with this thread being in its proper place. I gave the reasons for why I had originally posted in the forecast section.
” in fact, had it been there when I joined, I would have gladly continued debating quake issues for free.” Its main intention was not to debate anything, I was mostly searching for insight on alternate forecasting methods implemented by the month to month users, and since earthquake activity was at a low and nobody was posting forecasts, something to help pass the time. Most of my posts are confined and not shared outside the lifetime members chat room, so I really have a hard time understanding your reasoning in regards.“I gave respectful consideration and option at the time… I put the ball in your park.” Ya, after you took it upon yourself to move it in the first place without contacting me beforehand, along with potentially removing SubcOder from the discussion. At least he was able to outline his forecasting method, which I was mainly interested in. Granted, it did not belong in the section and I do not argue that point. I am not claiming I was not in the wrong. ” I have had my fill of BS and bitching in the past,” Is that what you think I was doing? I was simply explaining the position.
“Your method is based on periodic increased energy output from the core, which migrates up to a point “near the surface of the Earth”. This is one of several factors actually. I have been in the game for awhile now. The posts to the papers above corroborate and strengthen my hypothesis of the passage of the neutral layer as a factor, which is a a temporary direct electrical and unique magnetic connection between Sun and Earth, producing tulleric currents along with the stressing the crust and linking thermal neutrons [95% of thermal ‘bursts’] as a pre seismic signal. It becomes complex which is why I posted the papers, not every passage is the same. This is why I requested discussion on the topic. I and another 0bserver correlated quakes for a short period utilizing thermal neutron ground stations nearby the epicenters before that was taken away from us. And several more potential factors, when I find useable data. Moving on..
” I just want to get on with the science…” Still awaiting responses and/or discussion to the research linked above.
Score: 037 pts37 ptsHookEchoJune 20, 2017 at 2:09 am #1822No comments yet? M’cmon, discuss…fyi, the reason I had started this thread in the other section is because at the time there was next to no quakes and forecast were limited. I just wanted to provide an outlet and was also curious on the alternative forecasting methods of those who could not swing a lifetime membership at this time and give them a voice at the same time. But, technically it did not belong in that section is the reason I didn’t raise a stink. We just potentially silenced some voices that could provide some valuable insight and discussion.
I fought hard through these years in the comments section to be heard and went head to head with Ben and others on many occasions. However, I do not recommend this approach to other 0bservers. If you do, you better know your stuff, be able to back up your claims and have a thick skin. For awhile it seemed I was checking my youtube account daily to see if I had been banned from the channel the previous day for my occasional head butting sessions with S0. I still get to this very day into squabbles with Ben from time to time. It is just my personality and Ben must have saw some value in me to put up with me and keep me around 🙂
Score: 037 ptsHookEchoJune 19, 2017 at 9:28 pm #1820Errump…some earthquake related papers, focus on thermal neutrons/Moon/IMF (sry, some are abstracts):
Thermal Neutrons’ Observations before The Sumatra Earthquake of Neutrons Distributions near the Earth Surface in Order to Predict Space Weather FOR THE FORECAST AND OPERATING CONTROL OF THE NATURAL CATASTROPHES DYNAMICS neutrons’ response to the GLEs
Solar-diurnal variations of Cosmic rays (CR), connected with the passage of the Earth through the Neutral Layer of the Interplanetary Magnetic Fields (IMF) and the earthquake problem;
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37 ptsHookEchoJune 12, 2017 at 1:25 am #1774A deep seismic shock M48 – 87km SW of Leksula, Indonesia 2017-06-11 07:02:34 UTC at a depth of 416.0 km
followed by a shallower, higher magnitude earthquake directly to the NW: what a f*cking surprise, eh?
M5.6 – 97km SSW of Cibungur, Indonesia 2017-06-11 23:15:06 UTC at a depth of 10.0 km.-
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37 ptsHookEchoJune 11, 2017 at 4:46 am #1766Possibly. In fact, this is my in part my potential explanation for the observed “earthfacing” quiet effect that seems to coincide with solar minimums.
Due to the Suns rotation, the interplanetary magnetic field is warped, often referred to as the Parker spiral. Thus Earth and Sun do not magnetically connect until about 65 degrees solar longitude. The “earthfacig quiet effect” is observed long before the sunspot reaches this point, ruling out alot of the direct magnetic mechanism e g magnetic portals for the most part.Now, sunspots emit radio waves on a continuous basis, these oscillations remain the sane throughout with very little variance. What if these oscillations change before and during a major minimum solar cycle of solar and match Earths radio waves therefore a canceling or disruptive effect as a result? This is to assume radio waves emitted from other planets play a role in sunspot formation. Just think how certain planetary alignments cause sunspots to form and increase overall solar activity. Planetary alignments is not unlike adding additional speakers to a stereo, Wiring them in series or parallel..parallel the more speakers you wire in, the lower the impedance. Output increases because the amplifiers power output rises as the load impedance decreases.
Score: 037 ptsHookEchoJune 9, 2017 at 12:42 pm #1757Because the deep great earthquakes (magnitude 7.0 or greater) are considered the first tangible appearance of the Earth’s outer-core discharged thermal energy, they are considered to directly reflect the activity of the outer core which is intricately interacting with the solar activity and its cycle. HIgh magnitude deep quakes, particularly in Fiji- Southwest Pacific, most sensitively respond to the outer core activity, because the region is the site where thermal plume rises directly from the outer core according to the mantle tomography.
No M7.0+ deep earthquakes from 1970 to 1984 in the Southwest Pacific, this was interrupted in 1985-86 by a group, but then became quiet again until 1991 coinciding with the declining solar curve started from the cycle 22 peak After that the region has become seismically very active up until today, 2016.
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37 ptsHookEchoJune 8, 2017 at 5:52 am #1746Since 1990 the Earth’s core is considered to have entered an active phase and has been discharging powerful thermal energy into the mantle. The recent spate of unusually strong earthquakes worldwide [back late last year] support this assertion. coincides with the declining solar curve started from the cycle 22 peak
The Earth core active phase in relation to the arrival of a major solar low cycle
1. The Earth’s core activity has entered an active phase since 1990 as seen in the sudden appearance of great deep earthquakes after 1990.2. 1990 is the starting year of unusual behaviour of solar activity
3. We expect the stronger release of thermal energy from the outer core to continue for the coming 20 to 30 years, which would generate catastrophic earthquakes and volcanic eruptions throughout the globe.
This post has received 1 vote up.-
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37 ptsHookEchoJune 7, 2017 at 3:18 am #1737Well, an earthquake did hit: M5.1 – 88km NNE of Ust’-Kamchatsk Staryy, Russia 2017-06-07 00:27:20 UTC at a depth of 36,9 km.
Score: 0
on the edge of my alert zone. Missed the magnitude, but correctly called the direction of migration and region that was going to hit. -
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